
Do you think i messed up big time with him???

by  |  earlier

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ok so there's this guy i REALLY like...and he was teaching me to drive today and like at first it was cool we laughed and stuff...but then after about 20 minutes i got really frustrated with him and started like getting really mad at him for no reason at all...and like i quit talking to him almost completely until the last ten minutes...and i want him to continue teaching me but he seemed kinda how do i ask him to keep teaching me??? i have to talk to him tomorrow about it...because i'm too chicken to call him...and i mean i'll see him in person tomorrow so i think it would be easier...but yeah please any advice would be awesome thank ya'll so much




  1. dear mess up,

         every one gets mad when they are learning how to drive, you just wouldn't take the time of day ti listen to him, he knows what he is doing and i think you should open your ears and listen you prob made him mad that you first flirted with him then you yelled at him chicka-pooh you got to listen to him other wise you are not going to get him.


        from Hi, Cram It :)

  2. wow, this is NOT that hard. just next time you get in the car just say, "hey sorry about last time. im trying really hard. i guess i just need some more practice. i really appreciate what you are doing for me."

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