
Do you think i need counseling?

by  |  earlier

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I keep thinking to myself if I was emotionally abused when I was growing. My mom is a stay at home mom and she keeps telling me and my sister that we are lazy. She want's us to be doing house cleaning, maybe most of it. She also want's us to do her laundry ( in my country the kids are expected to do that). She keeps telling us that we are no good... and stuff like that. I love my mom but I can still feel the pain until now(im 25). however i tell myself that im okay but the pain keeps occuring and her words keep haunting me. She was not supportive in our emotional needs either. When I started school until I finish I have this feeling that the teacher will yell at me anytime or might say mean things towards me ( I don't know why). After I graduated college I got a job and my boss was alway very mean and always ready to yell at you if you make mistake. I feel like Im still in pain. I always wanted to please people all the time and I don't want to disagree with them

P.S. do you think I should get a couselor or therapist?




  1. i think u should

  2. i think going to see a conselor is a good idea

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