
Do you think i need to go to counseling or is it just 'teenage angst'?

by  |  earlier

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recently i just feel so erratic. one minute i'm really happy and laughing and on top of the world, the next i'm down in the dumps and i hate everything and everyone.

i've been having these suicidal thoughts for a few months now, and today i actually cut myself. i'm not doing it for attention, because i cut the top of my legs (like i have done before) which i know no-one will see.

all the time i feel so angry. it's like i want to cause harm to anyone close to me. if my parents give me a hug i can't help but digging my nails into their skin, or digging them in the ribs. afterwards i feel really...happy...and i don't want to. i want to be normal like my brother and sister, but all i want to do is hurt my family.

i can't even feel guilty afterwards. i know i should, but i don't. i pretend i do, but i don't.

i just sit there sometimes and scream at the top of my lungs for no reason other than it releases a little of the anger.

i'm just a really violent/destructive person to those around me and myself. and i don't know if it's just angst or if there's actually something wrong with me...

your opinions?

please don't call me an emo or something along those lines because i cut myself. i didn't do it on my wrists and i've done it before on my legs & no-one ever sees it. i know that i should appreciate my life and how good i have it, but it's all clouded with anger.




  1. I am in school for counseling so I have read a lot about these kind of things. Also I have a little bit of experience dealing with this kind of stuff.

    Just recently I could not find a job...I was getting mad at everyone. One second I was really really happy and the next I would just get really mad at my bf. I could not figure out why. So I talked to my sister who is already on depression medication. I had all the signs she had before she went on the medication. I have been on it for two months...and let me tell you I have felt so good about everything and everyone.

    Just because you cut yourself does not mean you are emo. So I understand why you dont want anyone calling you that. Your not doing it for attention if your hiding it and not really telling everyone about it.

    So I feel that you should go to your doctor and tell him/her exactly how you are feeling and talk to him/her about getting help with the suicidal thoughts. It is a very hard thing when you are thinking that. And people that have never experienced it wouldnt understand. Counseling and medication is your best bet with all of this. And remember...always tell the doctors every single thing you are matter how stupid it might sound. Or if you dont think it has anything to do with it. Sometimes it does have to do with it. And the doctor would know.  

  2. Poor thing...I think you should talk about it to your parents and then make an appointment with a therapist.  

  3.   I would go see a doctor, maybe he can tell you what wrong with you.

  4. The symptoms you are describing are not "normal teenage angst" when they are so severe that they cause you to want to harm yourself and/or others.  I would urge you to go ahead and talk to a counselor, and perhaps even investigate some anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications, as well.

    Good luck.  

  5. awr bless ya sweetie, you should stop harmin yourself. but also i think its is essentiol that you see a counsiler, before the situation gets worse.

    :] x  

  6. You need a therapist. Anger that strong needs help. You have my empathy.  

  7. Go see a therapist.  Cutting yourself is a serious issue.  A friend of mine began cutting herself and told me that it was no big deal, because it was just on her legs and upper arms and she didn't want to kill herself... she had to be admitted to a hospital because one day she did try to kill herself.  She got help, it was hard for her, but now she's living a healthy life.  Life is too short to be in so much pain.  I urge you to seek the help of a professional therapist.

  8. I feel that if you know you have a problem you can control it. Have you ever thought of seeing a counselor or someone to talk to other than a family member? Maybe you really need to talk. I see a counselor myself for having anger issues. After Im done talking to him I feel a lot better. Talk to your parents about seeing one. It'll help. And you're not emo. I know you're not. You're a teen just like me trying to adapt to this thing we call life.  

  9. Its defiantly not just teenage angst. I also went through those exact feelings when i was 13/14. I cut the top of my legs and even went to far and its now left a couple scars, which are not noticeable. I didn't do this for attentions either but in a way i was reaching out and NOBODY seemed to notice. When my brother discovered the cuts, he told my mum and i discovered i was cared about and it made me stop. Maybe your not doing enough right now like going out with friends, this will come with time. I do however believe you need a little counselling to boost your self confidence and this does wonders for you. Believe me, i know. Remember to be open and honest to this school councillor, tell her about the 'wanting to hurt your family' thing, and she will sort you out. Do not worry, and go an tell your mum that you want see a counciller now, ok sweety :)

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