recently i just feel so erratic. one minute i'm really happy and laughing and on top of the world, the next i'm down in the dumps and i hate everything and everyone.
i've been having these suicidal thoughts for a few months now, and today i actually cut myself. i'm not doing it for attention, because i cut the top of my legs (like i have done before) which i know no-one will see.
all the time i feel so angry. it's like i want to cause harm to anyone close to me. if my parents give me a hug i can't help but digging my nails into their skin, or digging them in the ribs. afterwards i feel really...happy...and i don't want to. i want to be normal like my brother and sister, but all i want to do is hurt my family.
i can't even feel guilty afterwards. i know i should, but i don't. i pretend i do, but i don't.
i just sit there sometimes and scream at the top of my lungs for no reason other than it releases a little of the anger.
i'm just a really violent/destructive person to those around me and myself. and i don't know if it's just angst or if there's actually something wrong with me...
your opinions?
please don't call me an emo or something along those lines because i cut myself. i didn't do it on my wrists and i've done it before on my legs & no-one ever sees it. i know that i should appreciate my life and how good i have it, but it's all clouded with anger.