
Do you think i should get married?

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I'm been dating my boyfriend for about 3 years now. Were both totally in love with each other. He's started to talk about maybe getting married. I don't feel ready though.

All my friends say I'm crazy because I've been dating him for 3 years and he's so amazing. But i just don't feel ready, and i don't know when i will. But i think if i tell him i can't get married for a while the relationship will end. What do you think? I'm worried ill never feel ready.




  1. When you are ready, you will know.

    I would think it would be better to wait till you are ready, rather than get married and have it fall apart because you feel trapped.

    Just explain to him that you are not ready, Or have a long engagement. Maybe once you get that ring on your finger you will feel differently.  

  2. If you aren't ready, then don't do it.  If he truely loves you then he'll wait.  If he pressures you then I would question his real feelings and motives for wanting to get married.

  3. This is a tough situation.  First ask yourself why do you feel you are not ready? Have you had good role models of marriage in your life? Sometimes you may have only had examples of bad relationships and it makes you fear. So address this first.  Next- I don't blame you for not wanting to rush. MARRIAGE is so easy to get into but so hard to get out of.  Take a premarital course all the books you can on marriage, prepare yourself!  You do owe your guy honesty and talk to him about your fears and get communication going?  If you cant communicate now how can you expect to have communication during a marriage?

  4. If you are "totally in love" as you say, what is the big deal about settling down and making a commitment to and with the one that you love.Three years is ample enough time to know, and besides, the word of God( King James Bible) talks about fornication, which is s*x  before marriage, and in the scriptures, it tells you that it is better to marry than to burn. Marriage is a beautiful thing, and it is holy unto and before God in heaven. Maybe you aren't sure if your boyfriend is not who you want to spend the rest of your life with, or you feel you may react too soon, and another opportunity that could have been another and better choice comes along. It could be based on fear. But why don't you go visit marriage shows that come, read books, and you guys go to counseling, and then maybe if you do decide on marriage, you can set a date, but it can be a year or two down the road, which could buy you a little time. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.

  5. You have to tell him how you feel.  If he leaves you, then that is the way it was suppose to be.  There may be something psychologically wrong with you.  There is no "being ready" for marriage.  It isn't like you are preparing for the Olympics.  Maybe your waiting for someone better to come along, maybe "amazing" is not good enough.  Some girls like bad boys.  

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