
Do you think i should get my septum pierced??

by  |  earlier

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im 9 weeks pregnant

do you think i can get my septum pierced??

or i should get my septum mpierced??




  1. Those weird bull-ring-through-the-nose things? Well your nose has nothing to do with your uterus, or the things growing in it. So it is safe, but I wouldn't recommend it. Now that you're pregnant, you'll need a job, and decent jobs don't hire people with certain piercings. I personally don't think its right, but some people don't think that its presentable. ♥

  2. I personally dont mind septum piercings.

    But any good piercing place will not pierce you while pregnant.

    Although it can do no initial damage, people react differently to piercings - some can suffer from anxiety, stress (prior to having it) etc,  which can ultimatly have an affect on your pregnancy

    EDIT- i don't care if i get thumbs down - i dont get why i have had them. I like septum piercings- i'm intitled to a opinion!

    and it reall isn't good to get  a piercing while pregnant  ...

  3. Eeeeek no i think they look gross and you'll look like a bull :O

    I wouldn't want my mom to have her septum pierced!

  4. No you shouldnt.

  5. I tiny studs are cute, but NO RINGS

  6. I would leave it until you have had your baby. There is always a risk of infection and septicemia. I think any reputable piercing parlour would refuse to do a pregnant girl anyway.

  7. uh i don't know why u would really want that pierced anyway but everyone likes there own thing i guess...

    if u want it i would say its fine to get it done its no where near the baby so it should be okay but thers always the risk of infection so u might wanna wait and maybe put the money towards the babies needs instead of piercings.

  8. sorry for my ignorance but whats a septum

  9. instead of worrying about putting holes and jewelry in your nose, worry about being a mommy. Try to be a good example. Your kid days were over when you got the big fat positive.

  10. urghh no dont

  11. Well it depends how you look.

    if the piercing wouldn't go well with you then no,

    but I mean if it does then go ahead

  12. NOOO!

    That's yucky.

  13. Gross. No. It's a huge turn off for me...

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