
Do you think i should i get a tattoo?

by  |  earlier

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some people say it's wrong but i really want one




  1. If you really want one you wouldn't have to ask but since you did, no I don't think you should get a tramp stamp. They are ugly and you will regret it later.

  2. NO! Don't get one!  I think it stupid to put a boyfriend's name or a crazy picture on your skin that won't wash off. What if you break up with that person? Or what if you decide that you don't want that picture anymore?  Then you will have to burn your skin to get it off.  And besides, it hurts to get a tattoo. No one could pay me enough to get one!

  3. if you really want one...then yes...but bc your asking this question, it kinda sound like your unsure. So if you really want one, then get one in a place that you can easily hide it lie on your foot, or on the back of your neck or behind your ear...good luck

    EDIT: oh i just remebered, if your still unsure, some tatto shops can give you a temporary tattoo. Its the same process of getting a real one, but doesnt last forever

  4. Not unless you want to look:

    A. S****y and trashy

    B. Just exactly like everyone else, because everyone's getting them these days.

    Why don't you be really different and NOT get one?

  5. some people say abstinence is the way to go... pppfffttt..

    make sure it means something, i have 3 that mean something (i only have 3).. and 2 of them look good, the one i just got i need a different artist to touch it up.. becaus ei went to a lesser known guy who could do it right away... big mistake, i should have waited the 2 months and got it done right the first time, its fixable thank god.. but its going to cost me double and i will still have to wait

  6. Can you handle this question from your grandchildren:

    "Grandma, what is that (insert color here) blob on your (insert body part here)?"  That is what stopped me.  

    20 years later, I am SO glad I didn't do it.

  7. My opinion does not matter in the least. I do not know you, and if I did, it is your decision.

    Just the fact that you feel the need to post this ought to tell you something about yourself.

    You need to take some time to become informed.

    I advise thoroughly looking through this site:

  8. You are young.  Try to think to the future and envision that tattoo as you age and begin to sag.  How's it going to look then?  And if you have somebody's name put on it, do you really believe that the two of you will still be together in 30 years, 50 years?  

    All the people I've known who got them and later regretted it were men.  Then they had to wrestle with having had one woman's name put on, then breaking up and trying to cover up that name before getting into yet another situation with someone with a different name.  And, then, even later, breaking up with that person, etc., etc., etc.  

    Please use your head and think about what you are doing to your body that is permanent!!!  Tattoos ARE removeable, but it's not only expensive, it's painful.  

    Admire the body art from afar.

  9. if you want to then get one

  10. Getting a tattoo, or not, is a personal decision.  Only you can decide if it is right for you.

  11. if you want it then get it its ultamilty up to you

  12. That's a decision that only you can make, there is nothing wrong, or evil or satanic about them, so make your own choices in life, if you wait for other people to make your decisions for you you'll never do anything.

  13. When I was 18 I got my 1st tattoo. I spent a year thinking of what I wanted. Many told me it was stupid and not to get one. But *I* wanted one. If *You* want it. Then get it. I love my ink. It is between my shoulder blades so I can hide it under clothes. Or show it with other clothes if I feel like it. Think carefully of what you want. It CAN be removed for price and pain. For me... I chose something that held much meaning to myself. The people around you are not getting it. YOU are. If they don't like them or it. They don't HAVE to look at it.

  14. I've been a tattoo artist for over 16 years and I'm gonna be straight with ya - if you have to ask that question, don't get a tat.

    You're thinking of putting something permanent into your skin.  This is not something you should do unless you have no doubts.  Even if you think you are sure, you should wait.  You can always put it on - not as easy to come off.

    With that said, it sounds like you have a bunch of "shoulds" and "should nots" floating around - I wrote an article that talked about how religions can view tattoos - but again when you have doubt - no matter where it is coming from - hold off.

    Don't be in such a rush. Take your time in deciding what is right for you and what you would like done (if you do get one).  Most people who rush, have regrets because they picked c**p for a design and now they have to live with it.

    Always make sure you check out an artist's portfolio before you do anything.

    Oh, yeah, If you are a college age woman, chances are great you will regret it if you get a tat just to "show how big you are" now that you are out in the world.

    I love tattoo, but the reality is - it's not for everyone and it really s**ks to realize that after the fact.  You can visit my new site for more articles and videos.


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