
Do you think i should kiss him? ?

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kay so i think im hanging out with my best guyfriend (who is also my ex) today

the thing is i still like him and im pretty sure he still likes me..

he told me he did a few weeks ago but i havnt really talked to him much since then so i dont know.

anyways i have a few questions haha

should i kiss him?

or should i wait for him to kiss me?

OR should i just not kiss him at all?

if i should wait for him to kiss me, how do i get him too?

thanks :D




  1. ok so hes ur best guy friend and ur ex so u still like him  and u think he still likes u but that could be wrong but 90% that could be right and u wanna kiss him but maybe itll wreck ur friendship maybe not,u dont really want that happen right?so think it through again if u still dunno ,u wanna kiss him?if im u i would wait for him ewww~sorry~and if he likes u mayb h**l wanna kiss u too but if he dont ,how to let him:60%chance`~~talk to him let him flirt and dont let him feel that ur acting awkward and things dont let him know uu wanna kiss him talk to him act like u guys r best friends(outta girls too)okay im done♥  

  2. wtf. get some help.

  3. Wait until you're married. It will be better. :)

  4. You'll know when you know, just wait, it'll happen.

  5. u should wait and keep on flirting with him

  6. do you want to be with him for sure if so i would go for it, if you dont i will so go brush your teeth and get to it :)

  7. Wait a few days, guys really like the chase. Most women do too. But ion 5 days if he is still making the same comments say something like "you know there are 2 things I like to impress upon you". What he ask say my lips and kiss him.  

  8. Just let it all of a sudden happen. But be careful because it could ruin friend relationship

  9. let go and let flow. don't kiss him because you feel obligated to. Kiss him because you want to and it feels right

  10. I guess it depends on why he was your ex in the first place

  11. just wait everything will fall into place:)

  12. He's an ex. Keep it friendly which means no kissing.

  13. he's your EX for a reason... there was a reason you both broke up so don't go back on your word unless you are dumb...he might of said he likes you but guys lie to get what they want in any and every situation!!! remember that!

  14. Why even worry who kisses who?  If it feels right and it's from your heart then you make the move.

  15. wait for him. itll happen when it happens. dont try to push it on him

  16. Do whatever you feel is right.

    If the moment is Right than it will happen.

    If its not then it will feel forced.

  17. Dont just KISS him wait and see if he will kiss you be flirty! Try and wait cuz u might regret just kissing him you want it to be perfect right ?

    sooo wait and talk to him about it too ... or tell him you like and adn then see what he says n kiss him !!!!!!!!!!!! haha... It will work out the way it is supposed to ! <3

    hope I could help !

  18. Haha, as you see in films - youll both go into a stunned silence - looking at each other, then one of you will spot the other one glance quickly at the others' lips! Therefore you both go in together and kiss xD Be like a film!

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