
Do you think i still can hse break my pup?

by  |  earlier

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ok well, as much as i know all of you think training your puppy to go on PAPER, is bad bad bad.

i tried training her to go paper and outside. she is still 3 months so her she pees about every 2 hours. for about 3 weeks now, im trying to do that, but she still does alot of mistakes.

do you think i can start to crate her? (she is normally in a playpen, quite big) . cus i think i made a mistake on trying to paper train her (but ive got school, so i will be away for 8 hours a day, mum and maid will be in but they are quite busy. but they do take her out ONCE, while im at school ( i could possibly twist it).

SORRY FOR asking this again, but looking for more opinoins.




  1. i saved a jack russel Milo he wasnt toliet trainned hes a year old!

    but hes getting there it takes alot of time pateince and accidents.

    with milo i was taking him out every 15 mins and priaseing him like mad i have manged to get him up to 4 hours no toliet ive had sleepless night lol.

    your mum will need to help out when your away or the maid toliet trainning is difficult but an be done my milo is prove :)

    i think you could crate her, if your mum is really busy couldnt you get a dog sitter?

    take her outsie as much was possbile every time she does a wrinkle priase her!  also when your home wathc her if you see her peeing tell her no!  

    please read my peom on Milo ?

  2. first of all, a puppy is a full-time commitment, i don't understand why you have one, if you're away for 8 hours a day? spanking him, putting papers down or even crating isn't gonna cut it. as long as your away for so long, and without proper training he never be house broken. why don't you just turn him over to someone who has time for him?

  3. No apology necessary, it's your points.

    Sure, crate her. Might as well try new things.

  4. First, a puppy might want to wait for you to take her out, but as babies, they just can't hold it, even half a day.  Use a crate, and a portable dog fence.  A kitchen is good for this, the flooring is easier to clean.  Put the crate in a corner, and set up the fence so it blocks in the crate door.  Put a soft blanket in the crate and set it up for bed, put papers down on the floor everywhere else.  Make sure there's toys to play with, and always water down.  

    This is the training.  I did this with the same schedule.  If you see her start, just say "no" and take her out.  If you don't see it, don't say anything.  If you don't catch her doing something, she won't know what you're mad about ("What?  Is that book not torn up enough, and spread out enough?  I'll do better next time!")  When you take her out, praise her for doing her business, get excited about it.  ("Good go pee!!!  Good go poo!!)  It'll also help you teach her to go on command, great when your in a rush.  It'll take some time, she's still a baby.  But she'll start to want to hold it, and will as long as she can when she knows thats what you want.  

    When you are home, keep her on a leash tied around your waist.  You'll be able to keep her close enough to correct her when she does something you don't want her to do, like chewing.  

    I did this with my dog, as well as basic training, and she's great.  We don't have any problems with her, with the exception that she thinks she an 80 lb. lap dog.

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