
Do you think i will make fool out of myself?

by  |  earlier

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I had friends with benefits relationship with a guy that I met at school over a year ago. I wanted more than he can give me so I decided to end it. We haven't spoken ever since.

However, I have been thinking about him allot lately and I have an urge to call him to see how he is doing. I also want to pick up were we left off. I have been having an urge to call him but I am afraid that he is going to snub me. He might not want to speak to me.

So have you ever contacted an ex and they sounded annoyed for the fact that you called?




  1. dependsss on how long its been

    time heels all

    if its been more then 4 mounths

    then just text or call him

    and be like OMG I had a dream about u last nite it was totalyy weird

    and then makeup a hole dream

    whatever you wantttt

    email me back if you used this

    i do it and it works!

  2. yes and no

  3. You have nothing to lose if all you're after is more friends-with-benefits meetings.  Either he'll be open to it or he won't be interested.  If he is, don't go in expecting him to be more than he was just because a year passed; if he isn't into it (or has a new steady), don't take it too personally and go find someone else to sate yourself.  You mostly just sound lonely.  Since it worked for you before, you could even try being study-buddies with someone new (relatively easy pickings, especially if you're a bit cute and better-than-decent at the academic subject).  

    Finding a real keeper will take time.  It might be the next cute guy you bump into in a class, or it might be someone you meet at a job five years from now.  Just be receptive.  

  4. Don't call.

    He didn't want more before, he won't want more now.  Had he wanted to spend time with you since you broke it off, he would have called.

    Move on.

  5. Well lets just say you won't know until you try. Having a friend with benefits can kind of relax things a bit because if it was a good "benefit" than he wouldn't reject u possibly. Just try and see where he is at  

  6. call him

  7. Bear in mind that he's probably moved on.

    He'll certainly be a different person than the one you knew.

  8. You won't make a fool out pf yourself. If you do at least you can say you tried.Yes I've made a fool out of myself ,but not everything is the same.

  9. No, that has never happend because I dont think anybody should put themselves in that type of situation.  I know it depends on what happend in the past but most importantly I feel that a guy should always chase the girl.

    See this just goes to show you that "he's just not that into you" or else he would've already contacted you for sure. I know it sounds harsh but if you let this happen to you, you are going to put yourself in that same situation you were in (being unhappy) because he wont ever take you seriously.  Your giving him the power to do & think whatever he wants.

    He will feel that he has you easily.  That will never end in a good way... for you that it.

    Go hit a club, go out with your girls, have fun... you will meet someone that wants YOU in all ways.

  10. As long as you know what your getting yourself into. Don't expect things to be more than they were last time. If all you want is s*x then go for it I don't think any guys would say not to s*x unless he has a girlfriend or married and even then he might say yes lol

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