
Do you think i will make the cut, or even the team?

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today was middle school volleyball tryouts

i did practically perfect on the bumping drills,

i didn't do good at suicides got 3rd out o 4 people

we had to stand 10 ft away from the net and spike the ball over, and i got 1 out o 3

on serving we had to try to aim to a guy in the middle of the court but i got close to him 1 out of 3 but the other 2 got over the net

also, in scrimmages it was 5v5 and i did pretty good, not many mistakes

there was about 30 guys there and like 10 were fooling around,

do you think i would make it?

we did NOT do setting




  1. it sounds like you think you will make it, but im sure your coaches saw that you were there and trying, so i think you will make the team, just work on serving, being fast is not everything either. I am not a sprinter and not very fast but i was a starter at my high school, as long as you can get to the ball in time that is all that matters.

  2. No offense, but I don't think asking a bunch of people online are going to give you any hints of whether you will make it or not. Mainly be because no one here knows how hard you hit,  or how good everybody else was. Plus many times people may think they're better then they actually are.

    Just what I think.

  3. I believe you definitely have a shot.

    Most middle school leagues are for fun, and will take 12-15 players into a team. If you are one of those twenty not fooling around, and you can serve all three over the net, you are good. If you are perfect at bumping, you are great. The key point is that when doing 5-on-5, you were consistent and "pretty good".

    Middle school volleyball is actually more about defense and serving. There is not that much spiking, and almost no blocking... to my understanding... for 7th grade boy's volleyball at least. If you are trying out for 8th grade team, it could be a little more challenged, but I don't think you would see 30 8th graders trying out for one ("A") team (they already knew who would make the 8th grade team after their 7th grade league play).

    Chances are you will be subbed in for serving and back row bumping, and get subbed out when you rotate to the front row. You might have a tall player who cannot serve or pass, but can hit the ball hard. Your coach might give you more chance in the front row when your game is in the refrig.

    Make sure that you are "willing to" go after bad pass for a save, if it is in your range and you are not running over your teammate. Call the ball loudly ("You-You", "I GO!!") would definitely make you more outstanding. Remember it is a team sport so that you don't want to be everywhere. Trust your teammates.

    Suicides are not so important for middle school players, but you will never know. Some coaches use it to see effort and scratch out those who were not in his/her political favorite list. Don't tell anyone I said it though, especially when you talk to your coach :)

  4. well it depends if you were fooling around too but if u werent the coaches would see u need a little work but u want to  do good so i would say to stay positive and you will probably get the spot you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I didn't see you play so I have no idea and anyone saying that you will or won't has no idea either.

    I have a question for you: Did you do your best by chasing every ball, enjoying yourself, and showing that you really want to play on the team by encouraging others, leading by example, etc. Did you leave everything out on the gym floor and not hold anything back?

    If you answered yes to my question, then you might have made it. Again, I didn't see you so I can't evaluate you. If you answered no to my question than I can tell you that you probably didn't make it.

    As a volleyball coach, I can't possibly evaluate players without seeing them play. It would be like me asking you how am I doing with my juggling, watch me...

    There, was my juggling good or do I need to work on it?

    See my point?

    Best of luck to you, just wait and see what the coach says, it's only a short amount of time in the larger scheme of things.

  6. Well considering everything you did and the fact that you were not fooling around...I think you have a good chance!

  7. well idk that is a toss of a coin, but i bet u will, if you r a Christian pray to God about, he makes miracles

    Good Luck, i hope u make it!

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