
Do you think id get questioned if i had my friends id and birth certificate with me(not using, just carrying w

by  |  earlier

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I have my friends ID and birthcertificate, and i was wondering if i would get questioend like why i have it at the airport?? i dont know why but just wondering. Maybe if they looked through my bag when i put it through the exray!




  1. If it's discovered.  Yes they would question it.  There is no reason to possess another person's identification.  It looks highly suspicious and it's not a good idea.

  2. You might but it really isn't anybodies business why you have it.

  3. Um i think you should be fine as long as you didn't steel it...  But it's just a little awkward that you have it!

  4. Having someone elses id and birth certificate with you is DEFINITELY going to get you questioned if discovered.

    Why would you be carrying them around anyway?

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