
Do you think if John Cena turned heel?

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the kids would like him and buy his merchandise still




  1. John Cena sucks.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  2. i think so, with john cena or rather every wrestlers there are die-hard fans trish stratus  turned heel and we ALL still were on her side

  3. totally, John cena Is so AWESOME!!!!!!!

  4. NO... He can't afford top lose this kiddie fan base... Since no one over 26 years of age likes him.

  5. maybe

  6. i think cena should be like batista and just go neutral go back to rapping and he should do a rap battle

  7. Yes if he goes back to his white rapper gimmick.  White kids love rap.

  8. Well it would make all the cena haters happy (me included)

    He was a gr8 heel in 2003, he still couldnt wrestle but at least everyone hated him then! Lol

  9. I think SOME still would, but others, the true marks, wouldn't, because he turned into a 'bad guy'. His merchandise probably wouldn't sell as good as it does know, as babyface merchandise always out sells heel merchandise. I'm confident Cena will turn heel down the road at some point, just not right now.

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