
Do you think if atheists communicated their beliefs with more humility and less <span title="arrogance/condescension...?">arrogance/condescension.....</span>

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...that they would have faced less conflict and discrimination and more tolerance by the majority (those without the same conviction that God does not exist)?




  1. I haven&#039;t noticed a lot of arrogance and condescension in atheists.

    Funny thing though, I&#039;ve noticed a lot of those kinds of traits in church folks; especially on Y/A.

    Yeah, I guessed you&#039;re new on here.


  2. &#039;Most&#039; atheists I&#039;ve met are unbelievably disrespectful and obviously make an effort to disrespect those who believe in God. I&#039;m not generalising; I&#039;m simply speaking about the ones I&#039;ve met. You don&#039;t have to accept my beliefs or even respect them, but you should respect my freedom to choose following a certain religion or believing in God. I am all for freedom of speech, but then again freedom of speech isn&#039;t freedom of consequences. I&#039;d just like to see a world where there is more respect and empathy. We need conversation; communication, not hate speech. There would definitely have been less conflict had the two parties communicated with more humility.

  3. Shut your face, atheists are very humble, it&#039;s people like you who aren&#039;t humble.  It is rude of you to presuppose that atheists are not humble.  You are a rude b**** and it&#039;s worse if you claim to be a xtian, who are supposed to be nice to people, by definition.

  4. Well, I don&#039;t believe in any god, but I don&#039;t go around telling people who do that they are stupid, mindless, weak, and all sorts of other things...and I don&#039;t get any flack, so I&#039;m thinking your hypothesis is correct.

  5. Atheists SUCK !!!!!!! period.    

  6. Galileo was one of the epitome of nice Atheists. He did not force nor communicate his beliefs with arrogance, yet in the end, he ends up in House Arrest.

    So no, Atheism will always be oppress until irrefutable proof of &quot;No God&quot; comes out.

  7. Christianity is not the majority though sunshine!!!   only a third of the worlds population is Christian...and its getting less!!  not all of us are arrogant!  In my country its not really an issue to be an atheist, its quite common!    everyone here is very open about their religions or being atheists and we are all quite respectful. I think it gets a bit out of control on here. But I will say that I find Christians to be the worst offenders when it comes to arrogance...obviously not all, but  I dont feel the love from many Christians on real life i think I have met one as$hole Christian in my life and the rest aren&#039;t really all that fundie type!!  

  8. If you spoke to people instead of groups of people you might get some kind of relevant answer. There is just as many arrogant condescending people in your faith. You&#039;re no different than anybody else. Sorry.

  9. I don&#039;t think so. When someone believes they have all the answers, and that people who believe differently are condemned to eternal damnation, it doesn&#039;t matter how humble or respectful I am. It matters that they tell me, over and over again, how I am endangering myself and my children, and how I will regret this decision the moment I die. It is the idea, held in many religions, that &#039;this way is the only way&#039; that causes the conflict and discrimination, not the fact that there are others who believe differently. If churches taught that &quot;this is one way, but there are many paths&quot;, the conflict would dissipate.



  10. we&#039;re only taking our cue from theists

  11. No.  

  12. No.

    Most atheists who are that way only get that way /because/ they were persecuted and spit on.


    &quot;It seems to me that the atheistic dogma provides its disciples with the convenience of a life style devoid of moral consequences. What precludes an atheist from committing vile acts against humanity when there is no governing doctrine which condemns them from doing so?&quot;

    First of all, atheism isn&#039;t organized. There is no dogma. Secondly, what keeps me from commiting murder when I feel like it? Perhaps my moral compass. I don&#039;t really think I need a 2,000-year-old book reminding me not to kill my mother when I know that instinctually. Going to prison is a pretty good incentive not to as well, not to mention the guilt that you would feel the rest of your life. Just because someone is an atheist doesn&#039;t mean they are without moral code.

  13. Right...

    how did Galileo ended up in jail again..?

  14. Atheists try to make logical arguments, but it feels like talking to a brick wall.

  15. It can be argued that atheism is the need to assert man as the highest of all beings. This is also a human tendency in which we desire to control and manipulate all. In this arrogant assertion it becomes impossible to accept that anything or anyone has dominion over you. It is this mentality that has brought about slavery, fascism, sexism, age discrimination, etc.

    I have come to the conclusion that speaking to some, not all, atheists is akin to teenagers with invincibility complexes. It seems to me that the atheistic dogma provides its disciples with the convenience of a life style devoid of moral consequences. What precludes an atheist from committing vile acts against humanity when there is no governing doctrine which condemns them from doing so?

    There are more atheists on here then Christians and yes many times they have stated in their questions and/or answers they are superior to a believer.   So, the one who stated you must be new is either new themselves or a LIAR....

  16. Absolutely! I have been saying this all along. The atheists on R &amp; S would starve if they had to make a living as salesmen.

    They never stop to think that this might be the only place some Christians ever encounter an atheist. They don&#039;t stop to think how it makes us all look like a bunch of Christian haters who would shove them into a concentration camp if an atheist ever became president (so don&#039;t hold your breath waiting for one to be elected).

    I have a wife, daughters, friends, family, people I work with, etc. that are all Christians. Frankly, I get offended too at a lot of the stuff I read on here (which is one reason I don&#039;t come here very often). When I read something like &quot;What&#039;s the best way to eliminate Christianity?&quot; all I can see is my wife and daughters being carted away to Dachau. I can only imagine how Christians see this stuff.

    I would say yes, you&#039;re right.

    I think eiere proves your point too.

  17. (I misread part of your question) I doubt they&#039;d be capable of that. They have too much hate. Most of them anyway.

    &quot;haven&#039;t noticed a lot of arrogance and condescension in atheists.&quot;

    Selective memory. Or else you were being sarcastic.

    &lt;edit&gt; OK, then here&#039;s a (very) minute sample:;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...

    ...or maybe saying how we had labotimies to believe in our skyfairy god so we won&#039;t believe in evolution, etc. etc., ad nauseum, doesn&#039;t show arrogance &amp; condescension.

    Not to mention the troll atheists who pretend to be illiterate  &quot;Christains&quot; and post fake questions just to get the block party a goin&#039;! Don&#039;t get many of those do we?

    Noww ef yuo intelligint atheeists eckscuze me, I half too go dew sum snake handling. Yuk, yuk, yuk.

    &lt;edit&gt; Some of the best examples get deleted. There&#039;s one I saw a few seconds ago that ( I cut and pasted t before it was deleted) said

    &quot;When you see a christian do you think &quot;Geez,I&#039;d like to pull it&#039;s teeth out.WITHOUT giving it an anesthetic?&quot;?

    For a big chance at the massive 10 point bonus,you&#039;ll have to embellish with rellish ;-0)&quot;

    Keep thumbing me down, that&#039;s it. Just stay in denial. It&#039;s all the bad xtians fault. They&#039;re too stupid to see how brilliant you are. Keep saying it over and over....

  18. &lt;snip&gt;Yeah but us atheists don’t go onto the street everyday or call at peoples homes to shove their beliefs down others throats! That is the height of arrogance in my opinion! My own wonderful mind.&lt;/snip&gt;

    It must be in your wonderful mind! Oh no, atheists only come to an R &amp; S forum and talk about ways to drive the Theists out. Plus they constantly post how they&#039;re so much smarter than the Theists with their &quot;imaginary friends&quot;. And it should be &quot;we atheists&quot; not &quot;us atheists&quot;.

    And honestly, who goes door to door? Mormons and JWs. Don&#039;t blame the rest of the theists. I think you all should listen to eirie and Amazing Larry.  

  19. Yeah but us atheists don’t go onto the street everyday or call at peoples homes to shove their beliefs down others throats! That is the height of arrogance in my opinion!  

  20. That has already been tried for centuries, and it never worked.


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