
Do you think if humans were to keep evolving (which they aren't doing in the same way anymore, but still)?

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Do you think that higher evolution would lead to deeper understanding and cognition? Not like intelligence, but like of life's bigger questions...Like a more advanced concept of time or identity or nothingness or eternity. I am asking this because I read that, with a certain type of brain lesion, people are literally unable to think about the future, even for something simple like what they plan to wear tomorrow. And that trying to think about this will give them the same type of blank that neurotypical people get when they try to think about nothingness or eternity.




  1. H0m0 Sapiens is still evolving. Remember that the process of evolution, apart from genetic mutations is incredibly slow and with our species now world wide changes are difficult to monitor.

    Our brains are about maxed out, the human cranium at birth is as large as the birth canal can manage (often it's TOO much, hence c-sections) so it's more likely that increased input of knowledge will be the major factor in any increase in "deeper understanding and cognition".

  2. Sometimes math questions stump me, I can't get around it, like it's a big rock in front of me and all i gotta do is walk around but I can't even think of that lol. So maybe if humans work hard and push their brains to the limits, we can evolve ourselves into understanding the mysteries of life itself!!!

  3. Evolution of concepts like time and understanding eternity and nothingness HAVE been advancing.

    Of course a damaged brain is not going to operate as well as a completely healthy brain.

    How did you move from a brain lesion to humans are not evolving or advancing in theories or discovery?

    The evolution of an idea happens because its abstract form can be communicated in symbols and then related to others over long periods of time.

    The evolution of organisms is an intrinsic quality of biological function.

    It would be a fallacy to compare the two for the purpose of reaching a conclusion about one or the other.

    I hope you realize that this was my point.

    I say this because Concepts like time eternity or nothing are formed to describe reality.

    Reality exists seperated from them and they evolve when the reach a point where they describe reality more accurately.

    Human knowledge thanks to writting can last for long periods and so even if our brains evolve then concepts that describe reality will not change but concepts that can be improved will still evolve.

    As an example math.

    Addition and subtraction as concepts will be the same even if we continue to evolve for a million years.

  4. wow love this. but im waiting for the g*y comment were some one comes in and says GOD says there is no evolving. its sad there all ways has to be one with these ques. :(

  5. We're still evolving, and the way we're evolving hasn't changed, either.

    Your "biology teacher from last year" doesn't sound like a world-renowned authority on the evolutionary process.


  6. I would imagine that as our cognitive needs change so too does our bodies reaction, and since evolution gives precedence to those who are better adapted than I'd say it's certainly possible that in the modern world the demand for multitasking and multiple lines of logic occurring simultaneously that people may evolve the capacity to split their cognizant focus along multiple simultaneous arcs at once.  And remember, evolution isn't always slow and steady.  I can hear electronics, even the ones that make no real noise, as if I hear electrical current. :)

  7. yea and we have been its just hard to see us evolve in one lifetime... so that is why we have to look at past records of humanity to figure out how we evolved on the large scale.

  8. i think that it is possible to design something that would experience a different reality but pass the Turing test, at the very least, haha!!!

  9. You just blew my now believe this after reading it! Thanks! lol Where did you read that, I would love to read it

  10. you wouldn't be able to tell if we wren't evolving in the same way anyway an I;m offended you think you know this. Evoltun takes a long time and we wouldn' b able to see this happen for a long time.

    But to answer your question yeah I thik it could be possible. Not saying it will happen not saying it's very possible, but I guess it could happen.

  11. i don't think we will evolve to be smarter. being smarter does not stop us from dying. we are going to evolve to get stuff like near sightedness, allergies, overwightedness, bunch of random differences, all of the dominant gene things.

    and the only normal thing i can think of is that we will evolve to become germophobes, because that still stops us from dying too young to reproduce.

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