
Do you think if in the event McCain passes, Palin as veep can handle the nuclear codes?

by  |  earlier

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I think McCain should have taken more time to select someone who will be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.




  1. Of course Vice President Palin will be able to handle the nuclear codes  and any other thing that is required of her.  Sarah Palin is a remarkable woman and I will proudly vote for her.

  2. Palin can handle that and much more.


  3. Of course,

    Since only a liberal has ever used nuclear weapons.

    It was so progressive of them

    Don't ya think ???

  4. Sure, why not?

  5. Palin is the Devil Incarnate. She spawned a Demon who had s*x before marriage. She's more concerned about destroying moral codes than to be bothered with nucular codes and sech.

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