
Do you think if someone completes every portion of an AP test, will it most likely get them a 3?

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I took the AP european history exam this school year, and i feel ok about it. but scores are coming in and im like stressing. Cuz my friend who took it a year before me didnt finish and still got a 2...i finished everything this year...and im lik contemplating if im sorta guarranteed a anyone help me...with this might be lame but im curious...




  1. Guaranteed a 3, no. It's not enough to put something down, the content is what matters. But if you feel OK about it, then you probably did fine. People's honest gut feelings tend to be right.

  2. My brother completed the whole AP world history exam and received a 1, so. no it does not guarantee you a 3.  I didn't really get to finish my last essay and I got a 4. so it depends on the content of what you did compared to how much you did.

  3. No, it doesn't mean you will get a 3. They grade it based off your multiple choice and essay answers. Just try to relax between now and when you get your results. :)

  4. I completed all of an AP Art History exam and only got a 2, so no its not guaranteed.

  5. Unfortunately, it's no guarantee. Good luck!!!

  6. Quality, not quantity :)

    I mean, if you finish your whole test but somehow got everything wrong, of course you won't get a 3. On the other hand, if you only finish like half the test and somehow get everything right, a 3's definitely in reach.

    If you feel okay about it, it will probably be fine.

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