
Do you think if the economy gets any worse, we will see people protesting in Washington ? ?

by  |  earlier

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or at the voting poles ? or both ?




  1. yes...but I think you're going to need to have a realistic picture of what "worse" will look like.

    for example, people were calling Bush and Big Oil a bunch of criminals when gas crept over $2.00 a gallon.  Actual driving habits and consumption, however, did not start changing until gas went significantly over $4.00 per gallon.  

    In other words, people will complain an do nothing long before they actually take action.

    it's hard to hear people complain about paying off something they couldn't afford in the first place....especially when they're doing it while lined up for a new iPhone...

  2. Well, I certainly hope so.

  3. Only if we happen to be in Washington at the time.  The media wouldn't cover it.  Also, there's a good chance that any protest anywhere would be shut down immediately.  We are living in a fascist country now.

  4. No because the media does such a good job keeping people in the dark that it will just keep telling people everything is fine.

  5. They would have to "dig" up the money to go to Washington.  

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