
Do you think if we get rid of the zionists in our goverment we would have a better goverment?

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and espcially better foreign policey




  1. Can you name these zionist leaders please? I will be the first to call for their removal.

  2. That is a brave and thoughtful question.

    I don't know about "zionists in our government," but sometimes I do worry about our Israel-centric policies.

    I think the ideal would be to make it absolutely clear that we will defend Israel's to exist, even to the point of military intervention... the same as we would with any other ally, such as Kuwait in 1990.

    That being said, there is no reason to knee-jerkedly support every position taken by the Israeli government. Let them be right when they're right, and wrong when they're wrong, and bear the consequences of their actions. We should protect them from invasion or extermination or loss of sovereignty, but not much more.

  3. Yes, but only slightly.

  4. Its a step forward, but there are bigger fish to fry.

  5. We would have a "better" government if we discouraged all those with paranoid fantasies concerning "zionists" from holding office.

  6. History shows that governments who try to oppress Jews don't last long.

  7. This is nonsense, the policies in place are the not reason we are so disliked.  I have had many debates with Europeans over which country is "better", I always win when I simply state America offers more opporutunity and thats why we are better.  They agree.  Zionist or not we will be disliked for being who we are.

  8. Absolutely, but the non governmental entity called the federal reserve also has to be eliminated along with the fiat money system, predatory capitalism and drop out of the United Nations. Otherwise it is only treating the symptoms and not the disease.  If you merely removed one head of the hydra, then you are doing nothing but allowing the game to shift under another disguise on another head. That game, being of course global tyranny.

    Oh darn, looks like somebody activated the megaphone software again. Don't you dare criticize Israeli firsters now, whatever you do.

  9. Zionists can hold office too... whatever they are - as long as they meet the qualifications. If it is a serious question you should study the law of the land, get yourself elected (you are meeting qualifications?) and work to make us a fascist State that discriminates against religious beliefs... oh wait, never mind, we have the American Taliban (Religious right) already doing that. Now go back to your n**i enclave or your cave, or wherever you are posting from and study the US Constitution for about ten years, then post your inane crud of a question.

    I am not chatting, and it is not a brave and thoughtful question - it is a loaded question posed by someone who thinks it would be a good idea to discriminate based on  religion (or even genetics!) If we don't want 'Zionists' in our government, lets not elect them.. of course radical Islam considers xtians zionists, so what's a country to do? Confront Bigotry, that's what!

  10. No, if we got alternative energy and then isolated from the backward people who are always ranting about zionists, our country would be much better off.

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