
Do you think if we had invaded Iraq in 1990 and taken out Saddam it would have disrupted his plans with Osama?

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Bin Laden to plan 9/11. Do you think this was a big mistake by the first administration. Im not complaining as bothe Bushs were good christian men, but we could of stopped Saddam planning 9/11 and other terrorist campaigns by getting rid of him




  1. No.

    Don't think so.

    He himself was caught off guard.

    With what was going on in his own backyards.

    The mess only started after Desert storm.

    When the war happened.

    All h**l broke loose.

    With Judas cheering " Charge of the light calvary"

    With the children blindly running here and there.

    In making a mess out there.

    With time they ended up in clubbing one another among their own kind with self lack of knowledge.

    How they tied "Gulliver" to ground being unable to solve their own mess.

    While everyone was at loss and blurr on what went wrong out there.

    Only after the Asian Tsunami.

    Were able to trace the faults in breaking up which is which team running all over the place.

    Expose the children were living in misery with faulty education and communication system.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  2. Saddam had nothing to do with the murderous attacks on


    But Bush senior should have finished the job after the Iraqis were thrown out of Kuwait.

  3. I think any connection you may have between Saddam and Osma is purely propoganda.

  4. The answer to your question is NO. But we should have finished the job the first time.

  5. Not really, as Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with planning 9/11.  He and Osama bin Laden were enemies.

  6. I can't completely understand your question cus it's proven there was no relation between Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden.

  7. That's a woulda, shoulda, coulda question. Neither UN Security Council Resolution #678 or House Concurrent Resolution #99 called for the UN Peace Enforcement Mission or for U.S. forces to enter Baghdad and overthrow Hussein and the Ba'athist government he headed up. Both documents only called for the peace enforcement mission to restore the state of things which existed prior to Iraq's invasion of the Emirate of Kuwait.

    Hussein had no role in the planning of the attack on America of September 11, 2001. However, it is mighty coincidental that the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 happened on the second anniversary of the day that Iraqi forces were expelled from the Emirate of Kuwait.

  8. Saddam didnt have any plans with Osama, if ur ganna make ur ignorant opinions be known to everyone on the internet at least do a lil research, no even the bush administration says that saddam and osama are connected

  9. What plans?  

    Saddam no connection whatsoever with Bin Laden, in fact Bin Laden hated Saddam.  Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 whatsoever that was purely American propaganda, and his excecution was simply murder.

  10. i dont think he was involved with 9/11. snarf snarf

  11. It would have disrupted his plans because its hard to plan anything when you are dead

  12. There was no link between Saddam and bin Laden....except in Bush's warmongering mind...

  13. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

    Iraq was invaded for no other reasdon that oil and the US thinking it knows better than everyone else.,

    Trouble is, looking at the mess they;ve created, nobody will ever think again that the US can handle something like this.

  14. No, of course not.

    Saddam never had any plans with Osama Bin Laden. Why would he ? Saddam was a fascist dictator so the last thing he would ever want would be religious zealots who would challenge his authority ! Even the current administration do not try & pretend any longer that the two had any plans together.

    If anything, I would say that had the USA invaded in 1990 it might have accelerated the radicalisation of many young Muslims & made 9/11 happen sooner. Seriously... a Christian army invading a Muslim country ? How could that have helped ? Also try to remember that it was the funding by the USA of Muslims fighting the Russians that led to the Taliban & Osama bin Laden (he went to fight there). In hindsight, maybe a few more dollars should have been thrown at Afghanistan to help it rebuild after the Russians had left... but then hindsight is always 20:20 I suppose.

  15. Much as the US thinks and wants to run the world, the Iraq war was a UN sanctioned event and invading Iraq would have annoyed many Arab nations that were part of the coalition.

    One of the ways the US could have stopped Osama Bin Laden in the first place was to not have supported him, sent him cash and trained him how to fight!

    There was absolutly no link between Iraq and Bin Laden except that fabricated by the good christians in the white house.

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