
Do you think if we haven't had an affair by now we won't?

by  |  earlier

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This coworker & I have innocently flirted for about eight months, but we've headed nowhere close to having an affair. I've backed off of him for three weeks now, with no email response to his haven't heard from you in a while email. I'm trying cold turkey. I've back off of emailing and contacting him in the past when I've started feeling too guilty about things. I think he has done the same. We both probably are too moralistic, so far. Do you think by now we're safe from having an affair and sooner or later we can be buddies again, at least email buddies?




  1. i doubt you can be buddies again. the more you talk and spend time together, the higher the chance of temptation.

  2. Ask your husband his opinion and maybe he'll give you a clearer answer then we can give.

  3. Well who do you choose?

    Nice coworker that probably wants some a$$


    your husband?

    your choice.

  4. Well, with your history with him, I would back off and not contact him at all anymore.  If you want to keep your marriage, then you need to be completely "free" of this risk., and being  even just friends with this guy is a risk.  Why do want this friendship so much? Does it mean more to you than your husband? How would YOU feel if your husband did this behind your back??  Think about it....

  5. My main concern is that you are asking about a Male friend that you want to flirt with and not the issues with your husband that are causing you to want some attention from another man.

    Why don't you flirt with your husband over E-mail and in person.  As a husband who wife still flirts with him I know he would love it and I have no need for attention anywhere else.  

  6. As long as you stay in contact, in any shape or form, you will never be safe from having an affair.  Apparently you two have intimate feelings for each other or you wouldn't back off when temptation got to be too much.

  7. Men and women who are friends have to relate to each other differently. You will not be able to be "buddies" if you have been flirting. Keep distancing yourself and draw closer to your husband. You should not be sending emails you would not want your husband to read. I wish you well.

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