
Do you think if you are pretty ill that you know when you're about to die? Does anyone know about this?

by Guest21578  |  earlier

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Maybe a near-death experience or something like that.




  1. I think we sometimes feel like we're going to die, and at those times, we can probably make a helluva good guess whether or not we actually are.

  2. yes, we all have that instinct. thats why sick cats run away they know it is time and they leave to go die. same with a sick horse once it leaves the heard you know they have gone to die so that is when you put them down. that is why ppl go throw the seven stages of death

  3. I like the advice from Cherry!  I am old. but healthy.

  4. Cherry is right.  Nobody knows when are we going to die. It is only HIM that can take our life. He knows when.  So we should be ready.

  5. sometimes you may think that you are about to die but then you dont, I guess it is a near death experience

    but dont be scared, if you give your life to God then you will have nothing to worry about all you have to do is accept him into your heart and declare him as your lord and savior

    he will forgive all your sins and make your heart clean

    here is some more info

    The Holy Bible characterises man as being shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin.  We are flesh and blood.  The Bible further states that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.  None of us are so privileged as to not need an intecessor in order to be Saved.  Man, in his sinful state, is not worthy to approach God.  The intercessor makes the approach possible.  The intercessor is Jesus The Anointed One (most often referred to as Jesus the Christ or Jesus Christ).

    Those of us who have come to know God through Jesus Christ realize just how important is the work of the intercessor.  As we learn more about God and His holiness we begin to understand why we could not approach Him on our own.  That knowledge gives us a much greater appreciation for the work of the intercessor, Jesus Christ.  I am a minister of the Gospel.  Given my sinful past, there is no way in the world I could be a minister except through the efficacious work of Jesus Christ.  I appreciate Jesus Christ more now that ever before.

    The exact same work of Jesus Christ that made it possible for me and many many millions of others to be Saved makes it possible for you to be Saved as well.  (We were brought to the knowledge that we were lost sinners, unworthy to approach God on our own and destined for eternal separation from God because He would not allow our sinful selves to dwell in His holy habitation.)  If you are willing to acknowledge that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour you are at the starting point of being Saved.

    Salvation.  What is the starting point?  Well, it depends on whom you ask.  Some people seem to have a predisposition toward God.  Others have to be beaten (by God) and broken.  Others try to "outsmart" God through the use of human reasoning and "critical thought" rationalizations.  Still others try to deny God into His own "nonexistence".  All ploys fail.  Only those who humble themselves, acknowledge their sins, become truly sorry for their sins, repent of their sins, take faith in Jesus Christ and approach God through Jesus Christ will be truly Saved.

    How did Jesus Christ become the intercessor?  God (who is said by the Bible to be love) in His love and grace ordained that the "Anointed One" (the Messiah) would come and that His mission would be to Save men from their sins.  So, our Salvation is a gracious offer from God and a loving act of God.  We do not really deserve to be Saved.  We are unworthy.  We are sinners.  Jesus Christ is worthy.  He is sinless.  He is holy.  He is Deity.  He is Son of God.  He became Son of man.  He is now both Son of God and Son of man.  He was hung on a cross (tree) by the Romans (at the request of the Jews) and was crucified.  He died.  (He was dead.)  He rose from the dead.  He died to pay the penalty for our sins.  He rose for our justification (that we might be made "right" before God).  Jesus walked on earth a few days after His resurrection.  A number of human beings saw Him ascend into heaven.  Right now He is sitting at the Right hand of God making intercession for us.  He is also making sure that a place is prepared for us (the Saved).  He will come again and receive us unto Himself that where He is there we may be also.

    hope you take this into consideration!


  6. I have known some departed people that they seem to know when their time is coming.

    Everything gets put in order,wills,letters ,giving to relatives etc.

    It`s like getting the house in order then they feel --   ready???

  7. I have an aunt who is dying of cancer.  She's undergone multiple surgeries in the last four years.  Many of these surgeries have involved the removal of organs.  So, at this point, she is barely able to walk and she is constantly on pain medications.   Currently, she can't digest food effectively.  Her death could come tomorrow or in two months.

    If you look on the internet, there isn't much out there.  One thing I've noticed is that there is a distinction between the PHYSICAL act of dying and the SPIRITUAL significance of dying.  For people dying slowly of cancer or other degenerative diseases, the last 48 hours (or so) seems to follow a pattern.  The symptoms may include raspy breath (the "death rattle" I guess), coldness and non-circulation of blood in extremities,  weak pulse, hallucinations, dehydration, and confusion about where they are and who they're with.  From what I understand, the body is just shutting down... almost as if it's closing shop.  People who work in and around hospices know much more about this as they observe it on a regular basis.  

    As far as the spiritual side, pick your faith.  Every major religion has its own explanations and interpretations.

  8. It's a possibility. Experience is the only lesson one can ever obtain, everything else is simply a theory. Only until you have experience death will you understand it, only until you have experienced a near-death experience will you know of it is true or otherwise.

    I have experienced neither, as far as I'm aware. So I do not believe nor disbelieve in the existence of death or the NDE.

  9. The only people I know of who can answer this question for sure are all dead.  However, it would seem to me that anyone who is seriously ill would probably believe they are about to die and might even be responsible for their own deaths as a result.  The strengths of their beliefs i.e. whether they are going to live or die, might be the deciding factor.

    Many years ago my youngest brother had to undergo surgery to remove part of his one lung.  I went to visit him shortly after the operation and looked at the chart of his condition.  The following day the hospital wheeled another patient into the ward and I asked the nurse what was wrong with him. I was told he had the same surgery done as my brother.  I checked his chart and it was pretty much the same as my brother's.

    That night the man's family visited him all dressed in black and crying that he was going to die.  The nurse immediately called the doctor on duty who evicted the family but it was too late.  The man had been convinced that he was going to die and so he did.

    One's mental state has a lot to do with whether we live or die as doctors well know.

    BTW my brother is now in his late sixties because he didn't think he was going to die.

    P.S.  I take offence at Cherry's preaching.  It has nothing to do with the question.

  10. Not necessarily ill but old people seem to have a sense of the end being near. You can tell by the way they start reminiscing and calling or wanting to go see old relatives and friends. I don't think they fear death but embrace it. It's what they have been preparing for all their lives. Being old, they look forward to the peace.

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