
Do you think if you made an atheist eat coconut cream pies for a year, would they still be an atheists?

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  1. "still be an atheists"

    Dude, I should know better than to read your questions while drinking a cup of coffee. I'll send you the dry-cleaning bill for The Nolte's Hawaiian shirt.

  2. yes, just a fatter one.  



    oh sorry i m answering the wrong ques here.....

    for this one well they might..

  4. Do we have to eat them while being lost in the woods?

  5. I'd be fat, probably sick and still an atheist.

  6. ((Manuel))

    People making fun of idiots makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

  7. Please don't make me eat coconut cream pie for a year, please anything but that...  I'd rather live in the forest off the land for a year LOL

  8. Yes, but I hate coconuts. There is no Intelligent Design. They are hard to get into and I don't like them anyway. What would happen if they ate a banana like the one Kirk Cameron had?


  9. Nope, I'd be a coconist of course!

    ...would I be able to get pina coladas thrown in as well?

  10. Yeah, but probably atheists with a jihad against the manufacturers of coconut cream pies.

  11. Absolutely. I mean... who could hang on to their faith with Ginger Rogers moving those hips and jiggling those ta~tas like that everywhere she goes! And the Professor.. I mean, he can make a radio out of cocounut shells.... who needs a messiah when you have him around.

  12. I think I have enough fat to coast for a few months so I'd spend that time finding ways to hunt. Or is this like that scene from se7en?

  13. lol?

  14. possibly... i would probably die before the end, though (no protein, iron, etc.) and i would probably commit suicide. i hate coconut.

  15. No way.

    Surely they would think they had died and gone to heaven !

    ; )

  16. I'd still be an atheist, but I'd hate coconut cream pies by the end of the year.

  17. I seriously doubt that! I'd have that cream all over me, reveling in the love that God, through the human form of Jesus...or in this case, a coconut cream pie, has brought down upon my face!  Sweet Jesus!!! I'm totally hot for God just thinking about it!!!!

  18. No, hehe that's funny I don't think they would be athiests anymore.

  19. yea, and fat

  20. ewew@coconut cream pies.

  21. no silly, they will find jesus in the pie

  22. lol. fat athiest.

  23. Yes.

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