
Do you think if you put an atheist in the forest for a year, would they still be an atheists?

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of course they would have to live off the land with no outside help...




  1. Maybe not, but definitely not Christian. Being in Nature's realm may well show that there is no greater force. Nothing more beautiful, and nothing more deadly.


    ~Loving Light~

  2. Of course they would.

    Why wouldn't they be?

  3. Great Question. I've always used an illness or car crash. I wonder what they say just before the crash happens. Or when they find out something could or is wrong with them.  

  4. No, they'd become a Wiccan.

    What the h**l kind of question is this, seriously? I don't get how living off of the land is supposed to turn someone religious. Learning how to farm and hunt for yourself =/= religious.  

  5. Yes. Why would they change their opinions?

  6. erm,..and the christian would do better? why? thru a belief in the supernatural it will find him or her the best nuts to eat? or to quote come to think of it

  7. what does that have to do with anything? people live off of nature as we speak. we don't need a bible or a belief in a god to survive.  

  8. Yes.

    Do you think if you put a Christian in science classes for a year, would they still be Christians?

  9. probably not....why are you offsubject??

  10. Um, I think my first reaction would be to attempt to locate sources of food, water, and shelter. Not sit down and worship a man in the sky.

    Wait, after a reread of the question, I must point out that they weren't atheists to begin with. The person was an atheist. Not atheists. One person. Not plural.

  11. I sure would be. What would be the point of worshipping some guy in the sky when I am busy trying to get food, shelter, warmth, etc?

  12. Yes, since clearly no god would be there to help them survive.

  13. I'm sure I would be, yes. Having to live off the land doesn't in any way equate to proof of a deity.

  14. I think an atheist would have a better chance of surviving than a theist. At least we would get right to work on food and shelter instead of wasting time praying for deliverance.

  15. We'd probably be naturalist atheists and greener too. If you chum the water with Christian guts will the sharks get sick?

  16. That made less sense than any other question from you thus far. Congrats!

  17. yes...  even more reason not to believe in god...  you wouldn't have a bunch of irrational people spewing god in your face 24/7 via media and biblebelt neighbors...  

    I wish I could get that far away from religion!!!!!

  18. I cannot imagine how that would make any difference.

  19. If you put a Christian in an Igloo for a year, would they still be a Christian?

    Your question is retarded.

  20. Please explain your logic reason and rational...

    What does living in a forest off the land have to do with belief or disbelief in a deity?

  21. Why wouldn't they still be atheists?  Are you alleging that your belief system is dependant upon whether you buy meat at a store or go kill it yourself?  That's a pretty weak basis...

    Would a trip to 7-11 make you a Buddhist?

  22. Well since I think atheists are probably more mentally ready to take care of themselves rather than wait for divine assistance, they'd probably do ok.

    They'd be dirty and hungry, but I bet they'd still be atheists.

  23. Some carnivorous animals would eat.

  24. They would become a caveman, so no they'll still be an atheist.

  25. I don't know. What I do know is that Christians can't see the forest for the trees. They're that blind.

  26. Probably.  I don't see why, under those circumstances, anyone would feel a need to change their beliefs.  I wouldn't.

  27. After getting closer to the trees, they would claim that there is no forest.

    They would claim that it is only a forest if you show them proof.

    They would claim that no one has seen a tree grow, so trees were always there.

    Then they would start a fire, burn all the trees and say if there were a God none of this would have ever happened.

    All the best!

  28. Yes, I would still be an atheist, and I'll be even closer to Nature and love it even more. When I get back to civilized life I'll probably do everything in my power to go green too. To save the only place we have. Thanks for asking.

  29. Sure, if they survived.  I doubt many people in todays world could survive if left to live off the land for a year though.

  30. Yes.  

    and your questions keep getting more and more stupid! Congrats!!

  31. very good question...I think they would change quickly!

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