
Do you think ilegal Immigrants that are already in the US should get their green card.?

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I think it would be a good idea since they are already here. The way they can contribute by paying taxes is worst if they are here and not paying taxes.




  1. No.

  2. california defecit is what? charge 500.00 per year for drivers license x say 6 million drivers just to keep track of them, not so shabby of income for calif. now insurance about 1000.00 per year with registrations on cars x 6 million. then theres 6 million using phoeny ss cards but contribute  an average of 5000 yrly for taxes fed state ssi disability and unemployment. that's quite a chunk of change. are we just stupid about having them work under a legit greencard or afraid that the government can't handle the reality of what good these people do for america. If you treat people like dogs they act like dogs, treat them with humanity and in return you will be treated like a human. About the law breakers, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Every illigal I have talked with says they can not live on 2.50 a day, can you? I think 10years here, clean noses, steady job, family, earns a right to get a greencard. Call it what you want, I need my husband he takes good care of me, I love him, he does not have his greencard. I used 6 million working as an example but what is it really. Census studys are very inaccurate.

  3. No way!!   Why should we give criminals a free green card just because they have been here for x-number of years???

  4. and i agree with you...

  5. nope they should just be deported. Too many are saying we are racists, they are ungrateful, I don't need their cheap labor

  6. If they can supply proof that they have had a job for at least the last 6months, then yes!!  Remember, they come here for jobs that we U.S. Citizens won't take or do.  They are willing to work to feed and support their family anyway they can.  Why should not one human deserve what another human being has to survive?

  7. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


  8. No, send them to Gitmo!

  9. I believe they should be granted Permenant Residency provided they are willing to pay a fine for coming into the country illegal and are willing to participate in assimilation - i.e. learning English, American history/law, etc.

    They are already here and most of them are actually productive members of society with families, friends and a complete support network. Besides, can you imagine every single one of them paying taxes instead of getting paid under the table? Oooh, listen... sounds like a rocket going off - or maybe just a boost for our economy?

  10. I think they should get their a$$es back where they came from.

  11. No.  They should be deported because they broke the law.

  12. First of all, I'm pro-immigration and I think this is a yes and no answer. I believe that if they come here for a better life, are no threat to the community, don't have a bad record, and respect the government (pay taxes and all that) they should stay here and get their green card. On the other hand, if they come  and waste on drugs, cause trouble, and take advantage of the government (take benefits), they should not get the green card.

  13. most of these people are very ignorent and probably dosent know a mexican much less a illegal one

    i know for a FACT they want to pay taxes, start there credt, get a lisence and someday be homeowners

    12million! most with family here that dont even know mexico and consider the U.S as there only home. One of them is turning 18 soon and wants to join the marines but is scared that they will deport him to a country he hacent been to since he was 2 years old.

    poin is, there not going anywhere and deporting 12 million is not possible. imagine the taxes 12 million would bring to the country.

  14. I agree.. I think if they have been here for more than 2 years, and as long as they don't have a criminal record and dont collect free aide like food stamps, I think they should be able to get some kind of permission to be here. This situation got way out of control and deporting 20 million people just doesn't sound humane to me.

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