
Do you think ilegals imigrantes should go back ?

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I think they should not because we all are immigrates i just think that we should only close our borders and deport people whom do wrong things




  1. I agree with u! the world should get along with everyone in it!

  2. If you were right in saying we all are immigrants you would still be wrong. First of all we are not all immigrants, True most of us may trace roots back to immigrants but most can no longer be considered immigrants. By your statement even the Native Americans and Eskimos who were the original people of this country are immigrants. But, to answer your question - ANY immigrant who illegally enters this country should go back, on their own, or drug back to wherever they came from. We have laws designed to control legal immigration and thousands come to our country every year. We welcome them and they become an important part of our society. Those who come here illegally are not welcome regardless of what they come here for. You say "do wrongs things"; they do an injustice to those who took the right steps to come to our country and they become criminals the day they illegally enter our country and they compound that crime every day they remain here! Many of them claim they provide valuable service to the U.S. – if they are that valuable why can they not help their own country?

  3. OK, let's try some logic for a second on this issue.  

    #1, we are not all "immigrates".  When my great-grandfather came to this country he had to follow the process of becoming a US Citizen that was created by the US Gov't.  

    This may be a difficult concept to grasp for some but, we actually have a process set in place for anyone that wants to become a US Citizen.  


    Without this process, we have no idea who is entering the US, why they are coming here or what their motivation is.  

    If they have nothing to hide and are honest people and actually care about what this country stands for & was founded on... then they should have little problem getting through the process of naturalization that exists already.

    #2, Currently, someone could brutally murder and/or rape an entire village of people in their home country and then flee to the US and take up work as a dish-washer at your favorite restaurant in under 24 hours.  

    The second someone wants to deport this rapist/murderer, everyone starts crying that they deserve a chance.  The problem is, we don't know what they did before they fled to the US.  

    The very term "illegal immigrant" should be your first clue that they got here by illegal means.  Do you not wonder why they skirted the system?  What are they hiding?  Why do we owe them a chance at the American dream and not the hundreds of thousands of homeless people or under-employed people in the US first?

    You are correct in a way - the US is the biggest melting-pot in the world but, let's not invite people to come here by illegal means.

  4. i feel that they should go back or be made to pay taxes and become legal citizens, instead of coming over and bad mouthing america and waving a flag other than the flag of the country you are in says you do not support the country and a solution to the back breaking field work that must be done... prisons are filled with ceriminals eating up american taxpayers money put them to work... d**n it i should never ever be elected for president...

  5. So, the word Illegal means nothing to you.  People who break the law are doing something wrong.  You are right about the border, but wrong about not sending them back to their home country.

  6. That is a double edge sword.  I think that the people who come over here illegally SHOULD BE PACKED UP AND SENT BACK.  That said, I also know that the illegal and legal immigrants do a lot of back breaking labor that our nation depends on in many ways in order  to functrion.  These back breaking jobs are mostly field work that we think we are too good to do.

       I believe that all of the violent offenders - and there are alot out there that most folks don't know about- should all be deported to their country of origin.

      It is a very touchy subject as each situation is different.  


  7. Illegal Imigrants---Here's Your Sign

    Realistically they should all go back for crossing the border anyway. But our economy is suffering at the hands of China and big business; so cheap labor seems to be a realistic option. We can keep them if they haven't committed any crimes, but they will be DIFFICULT to assimilate to our culture. It's like a cookie with too much chips and not enough cookie; you get sick of them after a while.

  8. Yes they should all be brought back, and yesterday.  But more important is to seal our borders so that more of them can not come in while the first batch are rounded up.

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