
Do you think ill get a visa?

by  |  earlier

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F-1 visa ...

applys :

first time: i was rejected and i was told that my low grades was ONE of the reasons and i aslo was told to do a semester put my grades up then come back

Second time : three weeks later. it was a quick interview and he said " i''ll tell you what you were told , do a semester show us you can be a good student then come back"

Ive lost one of my passports i reported it and everything i issued a new one. i saw them put a red circle where it marked on " lost a passport"

if i did a semester now then come back will I be issued a visa ?

the reason im askin this is that im havin second thoughts coz i just ran into someone he said he got a visa and they DIDNT EVEN ASK him for any degrees to show.

oh, did i mention that im from saudi arabia ?




  1. Uh oh....a student visa from Saudi Arabia. As Middle Eastern countries tend to be a point of heated debate and contention I'm almost afraid to answer this one :)

    First I must say that country of origin does not legally/officially make a difference. All applications are considered on a "per application" basis.  With that having been said, the interview process is very subjective and I wonder if possibly there was something said or done to make the investigator think twice??  Maybe something didn't quite add up? You may have somehow unknowingly "red-flagged" yourself.

    You mentioned low grades was ONE of the reasons cited. Well, low grades CAN be taken into account in a subjective interview when the interviewer's main focus is "is this person entering into this country to better himself/herself as a student?" Keep in mind, you applied for a STUDENT Visa, not a visitor or any other type of Visa so your abilities as a student will come into question. If you've had low grades, missed semesters, etc., this may comes across as a disinterest in the scholastic process, this may lead the interviewer to wonder "why is this person suddenly so adamant on entering into this country to go to school when he/she doesn't seem to care about school in the first place"? This may have been the main reason explained to you because they want to see if you decide to show interest in improving your grades which will put  that red-flag aside. If you continue to show no interest they may begin to wonder what your real motive is. They may even be wondering why you went through an interview just three weeks after they had already told you their answer. They may now be wondering what the rush is?  

    IMPORTANT: Remember, the Visa if for students who QUALIFY to attend US schools. Most US schools have grade point average (GPA) requirements to attend. Is it possible your Grade Point Average was below the GPA required by most universities? This alone can cause your Visa application to be declined (or at least postponed until the criteria are met).

    As to the other reasons not specified....there could be MANY. Is it possible you, or someone you know or are related to/associated with, are on a terrorist watch list. Now, please don't take offense to this statement because I would mention this point to anyone. There are plenty of U.S. citizens, Canadians, etc. on terrorist watch lists so it's just a generalized question to ask yourself and has nothing to do with country of origin.

    With all the above having been said, keep in mind the United States is under a heightened level of security in general since the September 11th attacks and ALL Visa applicants are being scrutinized carefully so it's best to simply follow the instructions given to you by the interviewer and to be patient with the process. After all, the schools will all still be here a semester from now  :)  Best of luck to you.

  2. one cannot reject visa due to low grades!well try doesn't matter whether u r from saudi or somewhere else..

  3. Meine Theorie wäre diesem Artikel zufolge, dass der Deutsche Wetterdienst bei der Festlegung der "gefühlten Temperatur" von Erhebungen und Befragungen der Bewohner unserer Breitengrade ausgeht und dabei eben diese ganzen Einflüsse wie Windstärke, Luftfeuchtigkeit etc. mit einfliessen lässt und zusätzlich seine Festlegung/Berechnung anhand dieses Klima-Michel-Modell vornimmt.

  4. No, I think they've got it in for you.  Your name is most likely on a secret list of people not to be issued a visa.

  5. Probably they are not convinced, more frequently you approach can make one feel desperate and the Visa officer will be ,more careful when considering your visa, i would suggest you do your semester prove, and after a while apply you might probably be considered.

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