
Do you think illegal mexicans are ruining the chances for other foreigners?

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like europeans who come here to work, africans trying to escape genocide/war, etc.?




  1. i dont think so, illegal is illegal. i dont think anyone has a problem even with mexicans who come here legally.  i view an illegal russian or an illegal irishman or an illegal african the same as an illegal mexican. we only need to enforce the laws we have or get rid of them so its not a testament to our failed political system who feeds off of the illegals in order to pander and gain illicit votes

  2. No, I don't think so. And the reason for that is very clear, people who want to come legally, like you say from Europe and other countries, are not coming to the USA to work in fields and in low  wages. They are coming here to have GOOD jobs, because if not they will stay in their countries.

  3. yes! they ruining everything

  4. not only mexicans come here illegally, there are many who come here illegally from other nations, too... and to answer your question, I think it doesn't really have much to do with illegal immigration, it's more about terrorists coming into the country...

    as we all know the terrorists responsible for 9/11 came here legally and that is why the U.S. is being more cautious about who they let in...

    EDIT:  I can tell you know nothing about economics or how illegal immigrants make a living... they too come here seeking a better life for themselves and their families, escaping poverty, a corrupt government in their country, and even war... all for the great American Dream that early Europeans came after sooo long ago...

    and tell me, how much is a life worth to you?   when you say illegal immigrants are draining more than terrorists are... thousands of lives were lost when 9/11 happened and the country was at a standstill and you say illegal immigrants drain more... PLEASE!!!

  5. The US admits just over 1 million legal immigrants per year, more than any other country. Another 1 million Mexicans enter illegally. There will be no increase in legal immigration as long as we have that many illegals entering.

    So yes there are plenty of law abiding immigrants that are being denied entry each year because of the illegals.

  6. No, they are only ruining it for themselves. The government is really only pumping money into enforcing the Mexico/US border, and place all their efforts in keeping South Americans out, as bad of a job as they are doing. Europeans will probably always be welcome and African immigrants have a good reputation, as, historically,  African immigrants have the highest educational attainment rates of any immigrant group in the United States, even more than Asian immigrants, and they differ greatly from their American-born counterparts,we can learn something from them.

  7. So you think that mexicans are only coming here to the united states for the heck of it?! They are also coming here to escape the poverty and need for money trying to make lifes better for their family eventhough it means having to work for a low wage (and people who say they dont pay taxes, dont start with the ****, that aint true, as a matter of fact they pay MORE) and I dont think they are ruining the chances for on one, its the just peoples stupidity that is ruining the chances.

    (for sure I am going to get thumbs down, that dont matter ;] go ahead)

  8. i don't think so. Look into the immigration problems of france, england, etc europe goes through the same thing we do here in the us.

    It is only enlarged due to the election year, and the fact that Mexico is our southern neighbor

  9. Well, currently legal immigrants are quite upset that illegals are allowed to stay in the shadows, often pay no taxes (they work for cash), have no respect for the laws of the country and look down at legals as some kind of traitors. Their question is "Why does America treat people who break their laws better than those who obey them?" That is the current question of legal immigrants already residing in the US, and those who are trying to immigrate as well.

    And some feel that even the mention of "immigrant" casts negative sentiment upon them - legal or not.

  10. The more the marier!  :D

  11. That's right, blame it on the Mexicans. Brains people!

  12. illegal mexicans -hondurians-all latino americans that come over usually come because they cannot support there families . some people say that they should wait for a visa to come. well if your family was starving would you wait for a visa they have horrible lifes in there home countries starvation poverty .

    also people from the usa work and dont pay taxes dont blame it all on the "illegals"

  13. They may not be ruining chances for other LEGAL immigrants but they have sure worn out their welcome in the US. Americans are fed up with all illegal aliens.

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