
Do you think im Anorexic?

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I have suffered from bad eating habits since I was in high school. I would binge on one day and than not eat for a couple days so on and so forth. After having my third child and topping the scale at 158 (i'm 5'3) I started eating bad all over agin. I kn ow weigh 138 I lost 20 lbs in 1 1/2 months. I eat little and when I do eat I end up throwing up. Or if i think I ate to much I will throw up. Im not underweight though so is it still anorexia? My goal is 120. I even went to the store today to buy laxatives for when I do eat alot because im afraid I dont purge it all up. I know what im not doing is not good but I really cant help myself anymore. I feel sick if I eat something fatty.




  1. Your asking us something you already know the answer to.

    Go get some help

  2. well as of now your considered bulimic. you have a eating disorder.  and you have kids. if you think your anorexic you probably are. I'm sorry for being so blunt, but this is serious. you could die from this. you need to seek help. or try and eat healthy.  this does serious damage to your body physically and mentally.  it ruins your kidneys, every time you throw up, the acid from your stomach tears up your esophagus,  and once your into it its hard to go back to normal. you should tell one of your loved ones your problem and tell them you want help. i hope you take me seriously, and take my advice.

  3. You definately have an eatting disorder, but I wouldn't say it is anorexia. You do have caractoristics of both anorexia and bulimia. It is very dangerous because you have kids and you need to get help if you can't stop.

    If you want to lose weight you can do other activities that will help you lose weight.

    -Take you kids to the park(you can run around with them, play tag, football, or even if one of your kids are in a stroller pushing that stroller around will help burn calories)

    -Take smaller portions of fatty foods and start eatting heathier foods(this will also help your kids to learn to eat healthy food at a young age and make it easier from them to stay away from bad foods)

    -Drink green tea

    -When you are watching tv do crunches during the commercials.

    -Tell your babies father that you wanna do the work in the bedroom tonight -_^ (for every half hour you have s*x you lose 200 calories)

    -When you are holding your youngest do squats it will work out your legs and amuse your child for the simple fact that they are going up and down.

    Take note that it may take a little bit to notice results depending on how often you do it, how your metabalism is, and your body chemistry in general.

  4. Yes, I do think you're Anorexic, but not quite at the stage where it is dangerous. If you exercise and eat regularly (even if it is fat foods) I'm sure you will be surprisingly more happy and less worried. You may be feeling sick after eating fat foods because your body probably isn't built to handle too many fat foods, not because your body can't take it, but your mind. If you become less self-conscious about your weight, that would help a lot. Start by eating foods with little fat, then a little more fat, and keep progressing with that. Fat is GOOD for the body afterall.

    Also, by caring less on what you think about your weight, your kids will as well.  Pressure to be skinny hits hardest when it comes from home, so set yourself as an example! For motivation, think of your kids!

  5. Here is more input and advice:

    You can't "become" anorexic -- its something that happens. its the difference between a diet an a obsession. its something you DONT want. if you think life, people, whatever tell you what to do now, you don't want a dictator in your head telling you to eat so little that you come close to death or die.

    It's about control, not will power. Anorexics need to control something when they fell out of control, so they control their bodies. It IS a mental illness. Not eating is unacceptable. Everyone must eat. Beauty is lost when youth is gone, that's a fact. You don't see everyone over 40 miserable and complaining- all the 40+ year olds I know are all fat, funny and party their butts off.

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