
Do you think im a good poet?? ......?

by Guest64470  |  earlier

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please chek out my poes they are all on this site some are really sad but i really need advice plz comment




  1. WOW ur poems r so awesome! maybe u should publish a book before someone steals them... just saying :) lol

  2. i think sadness is the strongest emotion [& love].

    usually the only time my poems come out good is when i am writing with sadness.

    because sadness is the emotion that is always trying to escape.

    happiness is usually held on too, and poetry is a way of letting out your emotions.

    even though they are sad, they are beautiful.

    they take the reader (or at least me) back to a time of sadness, to a place where they relate the poem too.

    poetry is really amazing.

    & you are an amazing poet.

    I read just about all of them, and I can see you have been through alot.

    keep writing,


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