
Do you think im able to clean my sytem out i smked yesterday and today i drunk alot of water ?

by  |  earlier

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i also did the little "myth" tht if u parachute a jacks/ and im gettin tested tuesday:/ advice pllzzz dnt have money soo dnt tell me to go buy cranberry juice or detox need stuff frm the house tht i kan use plzzzz




  1. It will show up on your test no matter what.  If you knew you were getting tested Tuesday why the h**l did you do it.  Sorry, can't help you with that.

  2. Sorry but I think you are not that scared of s******g up when

    you KNEW you had to test on Tuesday, but partied anyway?

    So suffer the consequences......sorry.

    But, meanwhile, keep drinking LOTS of water, flushing out

    your system as best as possible, and all I can say is...

    Good Luck! You will need it!  sorry.....:(

  3. My advice to you is smarten up and the next time you're going to be tested use some restraint.  If you take that test it will come back positive.  There's nothing that you can do about it.

    Also be please careful not to drink too much can kill you.

  4. All those flushes and cleanses are just excuses to make you spend money on flavoured water. Your "myth" is bull. There is nothing you can do.

    Next time try a little self-control.

  5. Rehab or therapy may be a good choice for you as you put the drug before the job.  Don't drink too much water as you really can kill yourself

  6. Pot? Tobacco? You need to specify. Sorry, but if it was pot, and you have a UA today, you're hosed. Tobacco, I don't know why you would care.

  7. you are stupid... there is nothing that will get it out of your system in a couple of days.  Was it really worth you  s******g up?  Apparently not..

    Maybe you will get fired and someone that wants a job and doesn't do drugs can have yours.

  8. Take a look at your own post and think about what pot is doing to your brain. your typos and decision making is credited to your addiction.

  9. First of all water isn't going to do anything unless you have a hangover from drinking alcohol. If you smoked pot, you are SOL. There are plenty of myths out there, but the bottom line is it stays in your system for 30 days. I would say I am sorry, but you did it to yourself.  

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