
Do you think im fat?

by  |  earlier

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ok so I'm 14 and im 5 and half inches and 110 pounds

size in tops small sometimes medium

size in pants 5 but mostly a 7

i want to lose 2 pant sizes b4 a go to high school

i don't really work out and can't but stuff so

is there any way to lose a couple pounds in my waist , thighs and stomach




  1. Drink more water, eat more fruit and veggies, or drink smoothies,

    limit your visits to McDonalds and many other fast food places..

    try to avoid fried foods, premade foods...

    what i do often is i may go to a chinese fast food place and get stemed white rice veggies and sauted chicken..

  2. you are not fat. seriously why would you even think that. you arent even chubby

  3. lol im a size 7 pants too- dont sweat it, u NOT fat

  4. no i dont think ur fat. im 16 & i weight  110 pounds & wear  the same size in pants as u.

  5. no.

  6. Girl, trust me you are NOT fat at all. But if you wanna lose acouple of pounds, eat smaller portion sizes, of healthier food. no soda, and cut WAY down on sweets. It would help to exercise, do cardio 3 times a week. weight train, building muscle raises your metamolic rate so you can eat a little more and burn more calories while your resting.

    =] but you are not fat.

    Your way skinier than me. I have been trying to lose wight for a while.

    But im not fat but I could be skinnier.

  7. you have to work hard and work out like running and set ups but you are NOT fat because i know this girl that lives down stairs shes 14 and 5' 1 " and is 112 pounds she looks skinny i think she needs to put on some weight but she probably wont until she get older ok

  8. no  

  9. my friend is the exact same as u! 110 is a perfect weight. ur not to skinny and not to chuncky

  10. how are you 110 lbs. but a size 5 and 7?!?

    i didnt know that was possible

    i think you are a little chubby then

  11. the only real ways to lose weight healthily is to change your diet and to excercise. you don't need to "work out" as in the sense of lifting weights, all you would need to do is walk or jog for about 20-30 minutes a day. I'd also reccomend stretching 10-20 minutes at least 3 days a week as well.

    now as for your diet, lots of fruits and vegetables. cut down on junk food, and limit your salt and certainly your fat intake. instead of having a bag of chips, have an apple or a carrot. this should keep you fit. however, this will not work overnight. your body is not built to lose 30 pounds in a month. if you burn 500 calories more a week than you eat, then you should lose about a pound a week. that's a good rate. however, you can go a bit faster than that by excercising more often or by eating less. however, if you lose a pound a day or something similar, then chances are you're losing muscle, and that's something you don't want to do.

    whether or not you're overweight, which you really don't seem to be, this will make you stronger, look better, and just feel better. I really recommend doing this.

  12. kinda chubby

  13. well im 4'11 and im 14 and i were the same size top and a size 2 or 3 in jeans i weigh 107 sometimes  my legs are kinda big but my weight is never the same i sometimes loose alot of weight and then gain like 5

    but its not about me

    maybe u should do a sport like i do cheer

    it will keep u they way u want hoped i helped

  14. You sound skinny! You don't need to lose any weight! I wear a size 7 jeans...& med tops & I don't consider myself to be fat!

  15. I'm 5'4", and a pant size 5, and I'M OVERWEIGHT. (134 pounds.)

  16. im so confused...i'm like 120 lbs and wear size 3 for pants and xs and small shirts.
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