
Do you think im gorgeous too?

by Guest62543  |  earlier

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  1. jfkdaNOjkdsl;a

  2. I am not g*y.  Though showing some clevage would make you look a bit feminine

  3. No, I don't think you're gorgeous. Far from it.

  4. pple dont really care u just want someone to tell u are gorgeous?,  

  5. yaa!


  6. yeah but aren't you a bit too old to post this kind of question?



  8. yes i do

    beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder  

  9. uh

    Let's just say it's the personality that counts . (;

  10. well....i heard guys like self confidence....

  11. oh dam XDXD

  12. ooh s**y mama hoot hoot

  13. well ur not gorgeous

    but i guess u r ok...

    i cant judge u cuz im not goin to say ur ugly..  

  14. .....

  15. ummm

  16. Is this a joke?

  17. you are gorgeous if you have a beautiful personality and exert confidence. be confident girl :);...

  18. oh lord

  19. yes and that dark blue color is perfect on you too

  20. well...

  21. ...

  22. the beauty on the inside is what counts =]

  23. eh

  24. girl, your gorgeous on the inside and on the out. (it's great that your biking, isn't it fun?)

  25. umm i dont know....

    but your bike sure ar georgeous

  26. god no

  27. yes very much so

  28. Geez....are you going to post this all day long?

    I'll tell you that you look nice in your outfit.


  29. ewe you are fat and you are not gorgeous...sorry the truth cant be sugar coated... it hurts well if it helps im beautiful and all the boys like me :) if that helps which i dont think so

    oh and sorry but your body should be a case for anorexia! if you know what i mean

    -->Edward Lover<3

  30. Everyone is gorgeous in their own way- for example: I notice you have a really nice smile and pretty eyes. Ignore the insults- insults are for the weak minded- which is not a pretty trait. Beauty is within and outer, but ugliness always comes from the inside. Focus on the positive and always feel good about the way you look because that is True beauty.  

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