
Do you think im mad?

by  |  earlier

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ive been seeing someone for 4 months and we spk regularly, each day on the phone or texting when we're not seeing each other. His gone away to visit family which he does every so often, and havent heard from him all yesterday - im worried that somethings happened to him as its a bit odd i did call but no answer. So do u think im mad? (i really hope that everythings alright but its just how my mind works im such a worrier)




  1. Everything is probably fine. Hes just out being a guy having fun with a family. Let him be and give him some space so he doesnt feel coverd up. Dont worry things will be fine

  2. No, but you fret too much. Just be more patient.

  3. No, its always nice to care about someone.

  4. If your worrying drove you to assassinate the president of Yugoslavia, then perhaps I be thinking you're mad. Right now, however, it just sounds like you're in love. Two words...stress less. :)

  5. Yeah you're mad.

    You don't need to know where he is all the time, or talk to him every single day, let him be, he's probably just busy with his family.

  6. Yep totally

  7. relax, your mad  

  8. Maybe he just wants to spend time with his family without interruption. You sound a little needy. If you make a big deal of this, he might start doing it when he returns just to show you he doesn't want to be smothered.

  9. I'm a worrier too!!

    I think he just was busy that day, he still loves you!


  10. No I don't think you are mad, just wait there could be some perfectly Innocent explanation.   I to am a worrier, if I don't hear from my girlfriend for more than a few days.  But she assures me that sometimes it is not possible to communicate more often every week.

  11. It's been one day, just think only 1 day give him time and he'll contact you.  

  12. i don't think you're "mad" at all. i completely understand where you're coming from and why you would be worried. humans are creatures of habit and once you guys got into the habit of calling and texting each other everyday then it's understandable if you're slight upset or worried if he hasn't done that for the day. but don't worry too much because most likely he'll get back to you soon.

  13. He is a guy. If i was his position i would not think much of not talking to a girl for one day just my 2 cents
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