
Do you think im ready to goto Brazil?

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I been saving money to goto Brazil I have saved over $4500 in usd. I also bring a friend with me who is from Puerto Rico cause he can speak Spanish. I also have bought a tooth brush and tooth paste, as well as condoms, potato chips, bagels, tuna, and a book to read. Also if my friend wore a Pro-George Bush T-shirt would he get alot of unwanted attention. my friend is very avid in politics and he happends to be ex-US-military and is an avid fan of George W Bush. Is it good to tell people your a Bush supporter when you go down thier? Also soccer doesnt interest me (i love ice hockey not soccer or futbol) not enough phyical contact in soccer for me. so are they anywhere else that is fun like i heard auto racing is huge in Brazil so you know anything about that. I want to goto the beaches and stare at women in thongs and goto nude beaches and stuff. Also want to swim in the atlantic ocean and go deep sea fishing. Also are they sharks there cause im scared of them.




  1. Another freak gringo. I can't believe there are people that travels only to "see" women. Is there a lack of women in your country? Or are you just a perverted freak?

    We don't speak Spanish "down here".

  2. Make sure you are up to date on all of your shots. You will need, at the very least, an International Certificate of Vaccination approved by WHO in order to obtain a VISA.

    MMR, Typhoid, Polio, Cholera and TB.

    You can get the form from the US Dept of Health and Human Services or AAA if I remember correctly. Brazil is a world full of bad surprises. Particularly Rio. Lots of poor Favela people waiting to rob or take advantage of you. Be careful.


  3. Listen to they guy "alguem que vai te ajudar" he knows what he is talking about and I agree with him 100%.  Just the fact you thought we speak spanish down here is enough for me to answer you...No, you are not ready to go to Brazil.  Go to is two words by the way.

  4. it will all depend on how much time you want to spend in brazil and also on how you want to spend it. if you don't intend to stay on top luxury hotels you certainly stay comfortable for 2 months with the money you are bringing, including lodging, food and traveling inside the country.

    you want to avoid the coast of pernambuco to stay away of sharks but even there following the signs you can be on the safe side.

    brazil is not only soccer so, you can have lots of fun in different activities. racing is huge but unless you are traveling when the F-1 race is taking place in brazil, there is not much to be done.

    as for the george bush t-shirt, your friend would do better leaving at home. like most of the world, after the iraque fiasco brazilians got anti-bush if not anti-american...

  5. You have enough money saved for the trip, as far as the supplies you have bought, I'd leave everything home except for the tooth brush, tooth paste and condoms(better to be prepared, just in case). As far as the T-shirt I really don't think anyone would mind, but it is a dead giveaway that you are a tourist..there's plenty for you to keep yourself occupied there without sports, although, yes car racing is huge there...beaches are beautiful and so are the girls, night life is fabulous....I think you will have a great,beaches, nightlife , wonderful natural sites to be will not be disappointed.Have a great trip.

  6. My friend >> Pass direct >> go to Argentina.

    ******* OLÉ******

    Aqui Nós Falamos Português Brasileiro.

  7. No you're not ready! (but you will be after this)

    Look, I really don't mean to insult you but I have to let you know. First of all, Brazillians don't speak spanish. They speak Brazillian portuguese. Better you get your facts straight now. Secondly $4500 USD isn't much depending on where and how long you will stay. $1.00 USD nowadays is anywhere between R$2.09 and R$2.15. Third of all don't go to Brazil looking for s*x, it's the fastest way to find problems and it's what most Brazilians think tourist go there for in the first place.

    Here's another tip, I hope you don't go to Brazil looking for drugs, esp. (NEVER SMOKE MARIJUANA IN THE STREET) like people do in the U.S.

    The police have serious wars with (bandidos e traficantes.) thugs and drug dealers. So, if you are found with marijuana, you help support the enemy of the police. (They police will kick the living $#!+ out of you in Brazil.) Believe that!

    And It is not wise to enter favelas (which most of them you can't enter anyway) looking for anything. If you are absolutely a pathetic drug addict and you need drugs, send a local into the favela to get it for you.

    Anyway moving along, the most important things to remember in Brazil are...  Pray God you never need a hospital, it's nothing like the U.S.

    Also Buy plenty of bottled water, because in Brazil the water supply isn't what you may be thinking. The water enters from the street into a vinyl/plastic type container on the roof called a "caixa de agua." If you could open it and look in (which I have done on many occasions, you will see that the water isn't clean at all.) Also Stay away from large snails known as Caramujo Aficano, and centipedes know as (Lacria.)

    There is no safe place in Brazil. Most people don't get assaulted because they have only been in Brazil for 3 days and 3 nights. They really don't know a thing about Brazil at all. Safety in Brazil depends on how you move through the streets. Don't trust everyone you meet. Many act friendly but will walk you to your death very shortly. The problem with Brazilains is when they rob people, 8 out of 10 victims die. One more thing, tourist areas are most dangerous. Areas where people are believed to have money are most dangerous. You will be alot safer in a small town than if you were in the (o centro do Rio) the center of Rio de Janeiro. In my opinion Rio de Janeiro is far safer than São Paulo.

    PCC controls São Paulo, but I don't expect you to know what that is. Although if you know anyone that says they are affiliated with PCC or Comando Vermelho, etc...  don't @*$% with them, and definetly don't trust them. Oh by the way, if you don't wanna be barbecued (and I literaly mean burned alive,) don't rely on taking buses. Public buses are often assaulted which usually result in everybody onboard getting burned. It's a protest that the locals gangs do when the police kill one of their members.

    Anyway there is too much to write about Brazil. All I can say is don't sleep, and I'm telling you from experience, not from what I heard or read. Fui....

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