I been saving money to goto Brazil I have saved over $4500 in usd. I also bring a friend with me who is from Puerto Rico cause he can speak Spanish. I also have bought a tooth brush and tooth paste, as well as condoms, potato chips, bagels, tuna, and a book to read. Also if my friend wore a Pro-George Bush T-shirt would he get alot of unwanted attention. my friend is very avid in politics and he happends to be ex-US-military and is an avid fan of George W Bush. Is it good to tell people your a Bush supporter when you go down thier? Also soccer doesnt interest me (i love ice hockey not soccer or futbol) not enough phyical contact in soccer for me. so are they anywhere else that is fun like i heard auto racing is huge in Brazil so you know anything about that. I want to goto the beaches and stare at women in thongs and goto nude beaches and stuff. Also want to swim in the atlantic ocean and go deep sea fishing. Also are they sharks there cause im scared of them.