
Do you think immigration in the UK is really a problem or something overexaggerated by the racist right?

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Do you think immigration in the UK is really a problem or something overexaggerated by the racist right?




  1. I'd say that it is a problem but as you say it is over exaggerated to an extent. Asylum seekers and immigrants that claim benefits without actually having paid into the system are increasing the general publics taxes which can't be considered a positive point. Then again there are a lot of genuinely hard working foreigners who come over to try their best at setting up a good life for their future families. It's the same case as with most things, there are some who will take advantage to the detriment of others. It's just a case of clamping down on people who wish to live off the state and send them packing while leaving the honest hard working people alone.

  2. Managed immigration is not just acceptable - it is more or less essential. If someone wants to come here, work, pay taxes, and take part - good luck to them.

    As for the illegals - with no option to take any legitimate work (they can't exactly get PAYE) - I don't see how they can exist anywhere but the fringes of society. Even if it's working cash-in-hand and not paying their NI, their existence is is more or less bound to contravene a plethora of laws.

    Do it legitimately, or be prepared for the fallout. I don't blame the individual for trying, but I'm not over the moon about the idea.

  3. i think that there are so many statistics being thrown about, so many different claims that it's nearly impossible to see truth in it all... my gut feeling is just that we're a small island and no society can survive the sort of overpopulation there will be if this immigrantion and birth rate continues... maybe the government just figures our lil' island will be below rising sea levels by the time they're forced to really address the situation :(

  4. You all employed,got affordable health insurance,and they don't take your JOBS.  Why do you dislike the Muslims  so much. Must need more surveillance cameras

  5. lets me guess, blame the muslims

  6. Well, I got nothing to complain about;-))

  7. The second part of your question applies.

  8. Net population increase in the UK is very small... there is no significant birth rate. UK population hasn't changed a great deal in my time, whereas the rest of the world seems to be getting more populated, don't really consider we have a particular problem.

    Immigration is fine with me, we are a nation of migrants anyway - always have been, always will be. We seem to expect to be able to go anywhere in the world to gain employment and to retire to, why should it be purely one way? So as long as the people coming here are coming for the right reasons, no one can have a problem frankly.

    There will always be individual cases on each side of the fence, as the above poster has pointed out, but unfortunately that is life... and hopefully not the situation in all cases. You can't legislate for these edge cases, merely the broad sweep and hope the law (which it does in this kind of case) catches those that fall through. Shame about the hardworking family and hopefully popular support and our thorough appeal process will help.

    Illegal immigration is another thing all together, we have sufficient processes in place to help out all of those that actually need it... there is simply no need for illegal immigration - that said, given the apparent size of the problem, maybe this could do with being refreshed. Those outside the system can only contribute to the greater society at a very minimal level (vat is about it!) and something should (one way or another) be done to resolve this.

  9. No, something that is under-exaggerated by the unpatriotic traitorous left.

  10. I think it's a problem caused by and understated by the socialist and communist left.

  11. Your question answers itself.

  12. Living in Cornwall, we don't have a big problem, but I was working in the little supermarket I work at, last night, and 2 foreigners (possibly Albanian's, or Rumanians) came in with a huge wad of £50-00 notes, wanting us to change them for £10-00 notes. I called the boss down, as I have heard about these "sleight of hand" con-men, but unfortunately, by boss agreed to change £400 worth, after checking the £50-00 notes were not fakes. The men counted the tenners in front of us, and there was £40-00 short, and they were kicking up a stink over it, saying we had not given them enough. Fortunately, the boss has just installed a brand new C.C.T.V. system, which clearly showed me counting £400 and handing it to them. We called the police, as it was clear they were trying to rip us off, but they scarpered before the police arrived.

    What really annoys me is, they don't work, and are out to get as much from us as they can. We've given them homes, money, and all the perks, but they just want to rip us off.

    There is a really lovely family living in Plymouth, that work hard, study hard, and have "fitted in" with the community, yet the government want to send them home. It just doesn't make sense. The robbing scheming low life foreigners get to stay, with all the comforts we offer them, yet a lovely hard working family, that benefit our Country, are to be deported.

  13. I agree. The racist are right.

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