
Do you think in the future that there will be medication for common sense for women?

by  |  earlier

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I am not saying all women do not have common sense, but the majority of them are slightly lacking in that. It would be nice for me to meet someone with some common sense, thats my opinion.




  1. Thats truly funny.

  2. I think everyone should be required to take it, not just women. :)

  3. If they made a pill that gave women common sense i hope it would work for men too cause i could use a little more

  4. We wouldn't need a pill if we just exterminated all of the men...Now that we have cloning, what do we need you for?

  5. "Common sense is not so common."


  6. Regrettably the mind of a woman is simply too complex in order to simply empower it with the capacity for common sense when it is lacking by mere use of a medication.

  7. You know, men don't have much of it AT ALL!


    Those ARE NOT examples of lacking common sense.

    Here is one example of common sense: Don't run with scissors.  

    Or this one: don't stick metal objects in an outlet.

  8. boo.

  9. Judging by your question, I'm guessing you don't have much either. Common sense would tell you that this is a bad generalization that is going to tick people off.

  10. As soon as they make one for tact.

  11. If you want to meet someone with common sense, you should get some of your own first. And there already is a drug for common sense. It's called Ritalin.

  12. "I am not saying all women do not have common sense, but the majority of them are slightly lacking in that."

    Do you understand the concept of irony and how you've just donned it like a dunce cap?

    No, I didn't think so. Carry on stereotyping and leave the higher thinking to others.

  13. you've already met plenty of them but it never got further than your well-worn "hi - and what's your sign little girlie."

  14. You can't buy common sense.

  15. Why don't you go ask your mother?

  16. If women had common sense, the species would not be continued... jk

    Most women have a lot of common sense. I've heard it theorised that women are better at visualising the worst case scenario than men, and therefore a less likely to gamble or do risky things, but I'm not too sure of the research on this. If a genuine difference, it's likely to only be a rough generalisation anyway - and I'm happy to admit that.

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