
Do you think in this society women are encouraged to repress their desires?

by  |  earlier

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for example encouraged to deny the urge to eat , to restrict intake instead




  1. Not at all.  Look at all the obesity out there.  Everyone should eat healthy, men women and children.  It is okay to splurge once in a while but there is a difference between splurging and gorging yourself and filling emotional needs with food.

  2. You have to ask the question, is it society or personal? People are influenced by society or the media to stay thin or eat healthy but it's still a personal choice. I eat healthy because I need it for energy and don't want to feel lethargic. Some women would take this too seriously and it probably would repress their desires but that, in turn, can turn out to be a problem with themselves. Repressing some desires such as eating to much can be a good thing, you could say society are only looking out for their wellbeing.

    You could perhaps look at repressing desires such as having to do what's seen as 'right' for example the desire to go out with a friends ex-boyfriend is seen as wrong so that desire is repressed and you have to look at other avenues. Or the desire to talk about certain things to certain people, often you have to screen what you say. As society and ettiquette dictates one has to be careful how they speak and act in certain company.

  3. yess definatley

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