
Do you think incest caused the deformations of the Indian child?

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I'm curious to find out what caused the girls deformations. The news didn't say what could've possibly caused it.




  1. Yes

  2. No.

  3. Speaking of conjoined twins...did you see that movie the other night where one of the twins didn't get born but stayed inside the other one. Then, the one inside decided it was her turn to she took over the body of the normal twin.? That was really weird. And no...I don't think incest had anything to do with it. Stuff happens.

  4. Incest has never been linked to conjoined or parasitic twins. Moreover, neither incest nor conjoined twins are paranormal.

  5. no. You are suggesting that it was a genetic problem, however it wasn't. The problem was with an egg that started to split into twins, but didn't end up splitting all the way.

    Incest only causes genetic mutations under particular circumstances. It is not like all the redneck jokes, where cousins will have 4 headed babies. In some cases known as line-breeding it actually minimizes genetic alterations.

    Genetic mutations are rarely carried through to term.

  6. If you want answers it's important we know what you're talking about.  Unlike many of those who post here I am not psychic, so I can't read your mind.

  7. Nope. Curious tho, what made ya think that?

  8. Wushuboy is right. Most of our live stock here on our farm comes from line breeding, they are high quality beasties.  Inbreeding only causes a problem when you start with bad genetic stock. Line breeding is not a straight line, it's more like a Celtic knot.  Many of our best animals have what we like to call grandpa / dad or sister / mom in their breeding papers.  We also have Mustang horses that are wild bred and they are the  most healthy horses we have, most living into their 30's.  Wild horses are small isolated populations with a lot of inbreeding plus natural selection.  They are not the most beautiful horses, but are tough as nails.

  9. It's interesting though how the child was born looking like an Indian deity, and also Lakshmi (love and prosperity) is the chosen goddess that the village worships...Hmmm...Could be that the parents asked for Lakshmi's help sooo much that their child came out looking more like the goddess Kali (mother earth - inhabits all deities). The child is special, that's for sure.

  10. I assume that you're referring to baby Lakshmi, who had many limbs due to a parasitic twin. This is similar to conjoined twins, but hers was headless.

    There have been conjoined twins in the news from many other counties. It is a rare problem when the egg doesn't split completely. It's rude to speculate that it was incest or that the parents did something wrong.

  11. If you are talking about Lahksmi, no, incest doesn't cause that.  That was conjoined twinning, when twins form in the womb but don't separate - they end up forming into one child.  Sometimes you have extra limbs, an extra head, etc.  It's an uncommon birth defect, but not caused by incest - it could happen to anyone.

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