
Do you think is OK to give my 13 year old near beer?

by  |  earlier

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My son wants me to buy him near beer? Im fine with it, but my husband thinks its stupid. My son sees his dad drinking beer and is probably curious about the taste.




  1. Why get him started on that?  The next thing will be real beer.  Tell him that it's tastes like c**p and that he should stick to pop.

  2. It's illegal to provide minors with alcohol. I mean, a sip - maybe not. I guess it's up to you. I wouldn't want to create a drinking habit in a 13 year old. If he has a sip and likes it, he might want more. I know 13 year olds that have been drunk before, and that's not okay. You don't want that to be your son. You probably won't get arrested in the privacy of your own home, but still.... think about the situation before you let him drink.

  3. yea start em while they're young

  4. give him a sip

  5. I say let him taste his dads beer .... personally i wouldn't care if it was being done AT HOME, but beer is trashy i wouldn't spend my money on it.

  6. A little sip wouldn't do any harm.

    But in the meantime, let's stick to rootbeer.

  7. Of course its not ok.  Why would you give a 13 year old near beer or N/A beer.  You would be glamorizing drinking and opening a big can of worms.

  8. give me a sip it wont kill him

  9. Youre a Horrible excuse for a parent.

  10. Give him some tanqueray gin. He will hate alcohol for the rest of his life thereafter.

    Make him learn from his own curiosity.

  11. Personally I wouldn't, I agree with your husband that's a stupid thing to do. He might take it as permission to drink the actual beer with a lot of alcohol in it.

  12. this may be an oppourtunity to teach your son about responsible drinking.

    He's curious about the taste.. let him try some..  most likely he wont like it!

  13. No, Don't do it... He will want it more and more then sneak it.

  14. Bad idea.  I see a drinking problem in the future.  Curiousity killed the cat.

  15. no a sip but not a bottle

  16. If you are seriously considering buying your 13 year old son beer, your a bad parent.  There is a reason that the drinking age is 21, drinking beer under 21 can damage the body.  It is irresponsible of a parent to be giving their under age child beer.

  17. I would do it, because honestly, kids don't like the taste of beer. If you let him try near beer young, chances are he will think it taste bitter, and not want to drink beer as much in the near future. That was my outlook on beer when I was 12, and I'm still not into it to this day.

  18. suuuuure.

    my dad buys me vodka

    so i dont see a problem with that

    thats kiddie stuff ;DDD  

  19. yah just make sure its very warm

  20. do it!!

  21. My dad gave me a Dixie cup full of near-beer when I was 2.  I credit this with my curiousity about alcohol the rest of my life.  

    This is the same reason they don't make candy cigarettes anymore - don't buy this for your son.

  22. Give him a sip, it's not going to kill him or turn him into an alcoholic. Teach him about abusing alcohol, that's all you can do.

  23. Yeah, or just give him a sip of regular beer. He will most likely hate it anyway at his age and that could prevent a drinking problem.

  24. when I was young my mom thought it was okay to give me a sip of alcohol every now and then. I am a recovering alcoholic today.  6 months and 3 days clean!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't start your child on the wrong path.

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