
Do you think islamist extremists may have been monitoring synagogues in UK?

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Over the last 2 years, walking past a small synagogue on

the way to shops, I have often seen large van/transits

drawing up outside the synagogue; these are driven by

moslems (sometimes hijab-wearers and sometimes Pakistani

or Middle-Eastern individuals) - not always the same people.

Like they are testing to see if anyone takes notice. Then one evil friday or saturday perhaps, the vans might come loaded with something not innocuous.




  1. Staking out for 2 years?

    hmmm, did it take you 2 you years to come up with this ridiculous story?

  2. that's why nations who respect peace, honor, common sense, and sanity need to absolutely ban entry to all muslims.

    There is no other way.

  3. its a job for s****. doo.....

  4. and Mossad have not done the same thing?

  5. You are on to something here. But its not like what you think

    is about to happen. There is something more sinister afoot.

    And not many are even looking in the right direction.

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