
Do you think it's B.S....?

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... when women claim that their childbirth experience did not hurt?

I don't know if they are just full of you-know-what, or if they genuinely forget the pain, or what?




  1. I was just reading the Bradley Method book, and I literally threw it into my trash can because all that old man talks about is how all of the women who use Bradley method have no pain! They give birth with a smile and leave two hours later, and then they feel like running a marathon! Who the he** is he trying to kid??? At one point in the book he talks about how he does episiotimies (sp?) and the women NEVER know....they just don't feel it..I guess cause they're so d**n happy. Needless to say I will not be using the Bradley method...LOL.

  2. I had a natural labour and I found that the pushing did not hurt...I felt better pushing. The contractions on the other hand...I was is so much pain. I remember reading about women forgetting the pain of labour after it is over...but I sure dont forget it. I remember the pain of the contractions and I remember the pain of being stiched up afterwards...I remember it all.

  3. Well it depends, I did not feel anything with my first childbirth,  had the epidural ans she was premature, but with my second child, I though I gonna die. I did not have epidural with him and it was the biggest pain I ever feel. Also many women had preparation prior, some use the yoga technique and many claim to be the best method for pain. On these days the pain is something easier to control than before, but I do know that having a child without medication or something to help it is always going to hurt too much.  

  4. i had the epidural and i honestly felt nothing it was great. I slept until it was time to push... woke up had the baby and fell back asleep again.  

  5. The epidural hurt, or the pressure you felt during birth?

    I know deep down that it is going to be the most painful thing that will ever happen to me. I've left my pain relief in God's hands--I refuse to accept pain medication. I've got 9 weeks left before I give birth, but i've known what my plans were since day 1.

    I think women that say thier childbirthing experience didn't hurt are full of c**p. Of course you forget the feeling of helplessness/resentfulness that you had while you were hurting that may have made it harder to pull through, but you NEVER forget how bad it hurt you.

  6. i think they just forget the pain. I dont remember the pain. i must have blocked it out or something but i know it hurt like a b****. I also know that as soon i go into labour again next time, that i will remember every little bit of pain i went through last time.

  7. B.S.!!!!!

  8. some have a high tolerance for pain and very short labors. yes its true.

  9. I think some women are just more tolerant of pain then others and some other women are just to distracted by the excitement of a baby coming to notice it. Every woman is different.

  10. that or they got the shto thingy so they wouldnt feel anything instead of doing it the "natural" way.....but it still has to hurt

  11. They probably forget the pain.  Epidurals probably sheild most of it and just leave the presure.

  12. The do partly forget the pain.  Some women just don't suffer that much with child birth.  I went into labor at about 6:50 and had my baby at 7:30.  Barely time to get to the hospital, and no time for pain killers - he was nearly born in the parking lot.  There was some pain, but overall it just wasn't that painful.  

  13. the wife said it is both,

    She had no pain relief what so ever no gas no injection nothing.

    She said it hurt like h**l the worst pain she had ever been in,but because of what was happening ,ie giving birth she did not feel it.

    Now many a time i have ask her to explain this to me lol

  14. If you're like most women, the pain of labor and delivery is one of the things that worry you about having a baby. This is certainly understandable, because labor is painful for most women.

    It's possible to have labor with relatively little pain, but it's wise to prepare yourself by planning some strategies for coping with pain. Alleviating your anxiety about pain is one of the best ways to ensure that you'll be able to deal with it when the time comes.

  15. what?

    it hurts

  16. well some women are different,my first childbirth it hurted like a bomb but my second and third pregnancy it didnt hurt maybe cause my body was already use to the birth,,all i had was contraction but when it was time to push my 2nd and 3rd child it was as easy as nothing to me but maybe also was cause i did alot of exercise and didnt just sit around during my pregnancy

  17. Yes, they are full of it.  It hurts, it is hard work.  Epidurals don't always work.  Only half of mine worked, and I was in labor for 2 days.  It sucked, but in the end I got a beautiful little girl........... but 8 years later I do still remember how bad it was

  18. No, because everyone handles pain differently.  What might be excruciating for one could be nothing at all for another.  I didn't have an epidural, and I didn't think it hurt nearly as much as I thought it would.  I did feel some pain, but definitely not anything I couldn't handle.  A friend of mine, on the other hand, was writing and screaming with the epidural.  It's just the luck of the draw, I guess.

  19. You do forget the pain there is so much going on when you have a baby that the pain is the last thing on your mind once you see that little baby.

  20. Yeah its getting a little deep around here.

    If they say it doesnt hurt they must be talking to a young, scared, pregnant girl to make her feel better.

  21. Hi well I have heard all sorts and I am not going to listen until I experience it myself as for one thing everyone feels pain differently.

    My mum is great at giving advice and I think that I am more like her than anyone else when it comes to pain tolerance she said that she couldn't remember giving birth to my eldest brother as they drugged her up to much , but with both me and my bother brother she only had gas and air nothing else, she said that yep it hurts but the pain isn't there constantly the contractions come and go and it doesn't hurt really badly till you are in the last stages. I asked her what it felt like but she also says that you must forget afterwards as when I said some people say that its like the tummy tightening she just looked at me and said I must of forgotten,as she couldn't describe it like most women cant, all she saids that she wasn't screaming in pain like some people do.

    I then had my brothers girlfriend who apparently has a bad pain tolerance if she cuts her finger she cries and she said that the contractions hurt but that's all pushing the baby out doesn't etc lol

    So who knows, women must just for get as noone can give you the exact description of what labout is like, you have just said basically it hurts like h**l, wheras I have heard that its not too bad it hurts but its bareable.

    I think that I will have to find out fingers crossed soon

  22. believe me u never forget what labour pains r like i think they r full of you know what or they had an epidural.

  23. It HURT...and I just watched my sister give birth 3 weeks HURT her too...even with the epidural it still hurts.

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