
Do you think it's OK for me to refer to my friends granddaughter by her middle name?

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I have a big problem with when people name their kid a name of the opposite s*x. I know everyone has the right to their opinion, just as I am entitled to my opinion. I used to be a teacher, and I saw all the teasing and harassing that the poor kids that had these types of names had to endure through the years..and most ended up either as bullies or with severe emotional problems (Kinda like the old Johnny Cash song...."A Boy named Sue." This really does kids a big injustice in life...

My friend's daughter named her son (who is absolutely adorable,) a very nice masculine name, then she had a daughter and named her a very peculiar, but definately masculine name also. I can't bring to myself to call this kid by that name (who by the way is Fugly just like her mother is...sorry, but it's true,) I refer to her by her middle name which is Ruth. (I call her Ruthie, which the little girl seems to LOVE.) I even have my friend calling her Ruthie, which was her great grandmother's name.

I never said anything to the mother, I can't stand the woman, she's an obnoxious know-it-all.

I'm not hurting anyone by calling her by her middle you think that's OK to do?




  1. i think it is okay if the little girl does not mind, and if your worried ask the mother if she minds you calling her ruthie. tell her you think its cute to call her ruthie and leave it at that. but if it doesn't seem to bother her don't even ask.

  2. First of all, I cannot believe you really used the term "fugly" ...especially when describing a child!! That really says something about your character as a person...and secondly...why is the childs appearance even relevant?? Did you just feel like throwing that in there? You really just need to stay away from this child. It's none of your business what the parent named her, you call her by the first name unless the parent gives you permission to! She could name her child tree bark for all you should must not have any children and THANK GOODNESS for that. (and if you do, i hope they are 'FUGLY')  

  3. hmm. id have to say i think your wierd. your old and your saying 'fugly?' you can do what you want, but you seem really strange, and if i was Ruthies mom id want you the h**l away from my kid.

  4. i get called by my middle name...

    but beacuse my cousin has my frist name.

    I see NO problem with it.

    many girls get called by there middle name.

  5. You can call her whatever you want.  Consider it a "nickname" and let it go at that.  You don't owe the Mother or the Grandmother and explanation...just say it's a nickname that just seems to suit her.  People today and the names that they are putting on children.  It's a shame, they aren't the ones who are stuck living with them.

    Peace & Love  :)

  6. If the kid likes it, then call her Ruthie.

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