
Do you think it's a bad sign when Rush Limbaugh on Friday's show was praying for Obama to Biden?

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Yes I do listen. So do millions over 600 station with a 400 million contract!




  1. Alas! Rush is merely the organ grinder's monkey! Need I say more?

  2. I think it's a bad sign that someone like Rush Limbaugh has a nationally syndicated show.

  3. Biden makes the Repubs job easier

  4. Rush is a dork, but so is Joe Plagiarist Biden. Biden is about as popular as a stale donut and I think the Republicans probably are indeed celebrating this choice. I just don't get it. Hillary would have been a lock for him.

  5. No, it's just another sign than limpbaugh is illegally doing drugs again.

  6. Wish I could get half that much to tell the truth as he gets to spread lies!

  7. Rush's brain is getting worse every day (maybe because of drug abuse ?) So, he is just an empty chatter box..

  8. I don't agree with Rush on everything, but he is funny.  That had me laughing.

  9. he and sean hannity are already running biden soundbites that says the obama is not qualified.

  10. I think Rush Limbaugh is a bad sign.  

  11. I'm not about to try and defend Rush Limbaugh, and I know this will earn me a few thumbs down, but so far everything Rush Limbaugh has predicted has come to pass.  

    * Operation chaos kept Obama & Clinton fighting for months

    * Democratic party completely turned on Hillary Clinton

    * Washington not big enough for two women (pelosi & clinton)

    * Obama slipping in polls once bubble starts to burst

    * Obama picking a 35 year vet of the senate to hide his own inexperience

    All things Rush Limbaugh said would happen.  I don't often agree with the guy, but so far he's been spot on in predicting what the liberal left will do next.

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