
Do you think it's a good idea for Japan to introduce a jury system ?

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Currently, judges alone make decisions on cases brought before courts in Japan. Do you think a jury system will work well in Japan?




  1. I think so, but if the court system already works and it is fair and well balanced, why change? is there a problem with the current system?

  2. ya i think it is ok , no imposible under the sun

  3. Jury systems are associated with France, Great Britain and the former colonies of both of those nations. That's why the U.S. and Canada have the jury system. Having lived in Japan for eight years, I was not bothered by a legal system which had cases tried before a single judge or panel of judges.

    There were other aspects to "Nippon Ho" (Japanese Law) which were also quite pleasing. Not only can the defense appeal a verdict, so can the prosecution. Also, the prosecution can dismiss all or part of a charge if prosecuting it will not serve the interests of justice (Fukushi Shobun). The type of punishment meted out is dependant on whether it was a crime of intellect or a crime of evil intent.

    The system works for them. Leave it alone.

  4. What do you mean "before courts"? It is "in" courts.

    And the jury system is not same as the US. Still judges are with jury there.

    But people are already hating to attend courts as jury.

    The system won't change much. It is just a pose and excuse as that they are listening to people.

  5. no not at all

  6. The problem with US jury courts is that the people are not always smart enough to understand the facts (see OJ simpson trial) and jurors are randomly selected and forced to take off from work, usually at a bad time, to unwillingly participate in the trial.  In jury civil trials, jurors often ignore the facts and award large sums based on how much they think the plaintiff needs the money and not based on the facts.

    A volunteer jury system would be better.  They should be prescreened and tested to make sure they understand what they are doing.

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