
Do you think it's a good idea to ignore bullies?

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Do you think it's a good idea to ignore bullies?




  1. No.  This will only make them more determined.  You must stand up to the bully & let them know that you may not win BUT you stood your ground.  Most bullies are cowards.  They will leave you alone after you stand up to them.

  2. No, because ignoring them means they will continue to bully or attempt to bully. Best to confront them, face them, tell them whatever problems or issues they have they need to deal with themselves as you are no longer a target for them. Then follow through and report them. Bullies are cowards and when you stand up to them, (which they're not expecting) they back off.

  3. physical bullying can't be ignored or tolerated.. but verbal bullies usually say stuff the the one being bullied because of the reaction. when you ignore the comments, they aren't receiving that good feeling of "domination" or whatever. when people respond with a hurt feeling, that just reinforces the bullying.

    this isn't to say your feelings can't or won't be hurt, but don't let the bully know that he hurt you.

    if it's serious though, you should always report it :)

  4. well it depends on how old you are and how annoying the bullies are if the bullies are really annoying you can turn arround and punch them out but i don't reccomend that but i think the answer is yes you sould ignore bullies and if you know the bullies and if you know what they do and if they abuse you you can abuse them back (thats what i do to bullies)

  5. yea i guess

    but i like to start trouble so i would find out something and use it againsted him!

    let say i found out he was insecure about his grades i would pull him a side and say those grades you got!  oooohhh boy i might just have to make a flier and post it EVERYWHERE!  

    or do something different and say  really okay!  roll your eyes and walk away!  if you act like your the better one with out a cocky attitude you'll be fine!

  6. If you mean verbal bullies like the ones on here, yes it's a good idea. Directly confronting and reporting usually puts these cowards in their place.

  7. better off standing up to them and showing them you don't take any c**p from anyone.  Especially my children they need to stand up for themselves or be walked on thru out their lives

  8. it depends what would you think about it

  9. only untill you can think of a response that will stop them in their tracks, and try to say it when the bully is surrounded by their friend/s.

  10. yes ,if you feed into them ,sometimes they get worse

  11. Nope, bullying should not be condoned at all. But i guess bullies do what they do because they have insecurities about themselves or they just want to feel in power.

    Types of bullying include:

    Physical bullying

    Relational bullying (spreading gossip and rumors or excluding people in social situations)

    Peer sexual harassment

    Stereotyping (threats or bullying because of the victim's race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity)

    Cyber bullying (bullying through e-mail, text messaging or other digital means)

    The worse type of course is physical bullying, you can still get around the other forms through support and helplines/counselling.

    "While some may think the bully should just be punished, the reality is that those who bully need to understand their behavior and learn alternative behavior patterns," she adds. "They need consequences, but they also need help."

    I think it's important to understand why the person who bullies does it in the first place.

  12. get somebody to kidnap them, tie them naked and drop them in brixton... if they make it back i'd be surprised if they look at you again. lolololol

  13. I think it's a better idea to put them in their place.

  14. Let me tell you my way....

    I don't bully to anyone ; but if anyone who bully to me then I will bully that person two time more.

  15. h**l no... whip that *** son...

  16. yes. but they don't like that so then they get in your face and then you have no choice but to let them have it because that's all they understand that'll make them stop. and then they go away and leave you alone.

  17. if the bullying is verbal, yes, ignore it.

    if it's physical, no, don't ignore it

  18. Yes, only don't run from him/her as this is what fuels his actions. If the bully states that beating you up will make him happy respond back that he is breaking the law.  Report this bully so that the authorities know of the threat. You don't need to tell your name just theirs.  Bullies are afraid of the world and to gain power the bully must bring this fear to others.  Don't worry once the bully notices that you are not afraid they will go elsewhere for their fun.

  19. I told all my kids,grands and great grands the same thing.It works..Good question.I would suggest you try to avoid and ignore them.If that doesn't work,try this.Scream like you are nuts...Help He is trying to hurt me...Call the police he is going to hurt me.When bullies do there mess they like to keep you scared and quiet.that way they get away with it.Never allow them to harm you,get everyones attention....

  20. lol i had a bully once and he punched me coz i laughed at him 4 sumthingg and i stood there and laughed and his friends all were nearly crying coz they were laughing

  21. it might work for a bit , but sooner or later they will attack, so be care full and report them , they need to be  stopped before you or someone gets hurt!

  22. Bullies are typically insecure people. Ignoring them is more likely to initially anger them, then take the wind out of their sails as it's a reaction (esp fear) they are seeking.

    I definitely go for 'ignore' unless your physical safety becomes an issue, and then 'confront'.

    Bullies are to be pitied and should have our sympathy. Something is very wrong in their lives for them to behave as they's rather sad actually.

  23. To a degree.  I'd ignore the bully long enough for me to figure out what kind of bully it is.  Then I can better determine my defense strategy  -  so I can make it personal.

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