
Do you think it's a good idea to learn about religions?

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even if you're not religious?

I find it interesting to a point but I still find it difficult to understand why people believe in such things.




  1. YES!!

    I think all people should investigate the early religions that Christianity copied.

  2. To me it is very important. I keep an open mind and most importantly I keep an open consciousness. I respect the truth no matter how hard it is to swallow at times or how hard it is to make changes.

    As to why I believe in it. That's a complex lengthy answer that would run into pages. Basically we are all searching for something, something that would inwardly give us peace, happiness and contentment. If you really want to know more then you could log onto our website.  

  3. Yes, I don't see anything wrong with studying different beliefs. I do it myself and it helped me to treat people and maintain good relationship even if we share different views.

    You don't need to understand why and what they believe, respect is what you need to do in order to gain theirs.

  4. I think learning about other religions can be quite confusing.  A lot of people like the thought of being religious so they go out and search all religions to do so.  While they do this they combine all the religions together and pick and chose what they like out of each one.

    I myself, being a Christian, wouldn't do what you are doing but that's just me.  You are your own self and if that's what you like doing then do it.  We were born to explore and discover not to be trapped into something that we don't believe.

    And to That Christian Out there who said he was 'ignorant'.  It's people like you that give us Christians a bad name.

  5. Know thine enemy.

  6. Of course.  Religion is a large factor in our culture.  Any educated person should have at least a passing familiarity with the major religions.

  7. Yes, it is very important to do so.

    In my experience, people are very ready to say how wrong other religions are while knowing nothing about what they believe.

    I've met a LOT of christians who don't even know about their own religion.

  8. Sure. Even from a non-religious standpoint human history has been seriously influenced by religion. Learning about them is beneficial in understanding how we got to where we are. Other than that, it might give you some insight on spiritual and religious matters, even if you still choose not to follow any of them.

  9. A comparative religion class would be an interesting college course

    Teacher: Christopher Hitchens

    That's be fun

  10. yes it is interesting but dont become ignorant and stagnant on one religion im a muslim but im still curious too see what others believe and then you can draw connections  

  11. Knowing others point of views is never bad in my view.  

  12. It probably would be beneficial if kids got a good comparative religion course.  That way they'd see how similar many religions are, how they've ripped one another off over the centuries, etc.  It would make it that much harder to feed them the line that any one is "the one true religion" and end many problems.  

  13. I am an atheist, and I definitely think it is worthwhile to learn about religions. As you learn about religions, you may find the opportunity to think about questions you would not otherwise think about. For example, you might ask yourself whether suffering is an illusion caused by attachment, or whether immorality should be defined by sins, that is, actions which separate an individual from God. You can also learn about the religious beliefs of those who run your country. By doing so, you can better understand their actions, even if you disagree with them. You can also learn to understand the religiously motivated actions of those around you. Furthermore, by studying religions, you can learn about history and other subjects, which have their own rewards.  

  14. Yes, knowledge is power.

    Hatred stems from ignorance.

    Proud atheist.

  15. "u r ignorant"

    Could not have asked for a better demonstration

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