
Do you think it's a good idea to teach learners of English slang?

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I don't mean proper Cockney ryhming slang, I just mean every day slang words such as dodgy or geezer. Thanks.




  1. You have to be careful about WHICH slang you mean.  If you're sure everybody in your area knows dodgy and geezer, then it's OK, but if only young people say that, then it may not be helpful.  Slang can be interesting to teach to people who are learning a second language, but please make sure they can speak correct English first for the different units you have prepared, whether it be  Tenses,  At the Airport, etc.  Topical slang is sometimes useful, for example, anything about a world-wide phenomena like the Olympics or Christmas activities in your country/town.

  2. Yes I do.  

    My dad told me about a teaching assistant he was friends with in college who spoke English as a second language.  Shortly after he came to the US, some guy came up and asked if he was g*y, and he thought g*y=happy so he said yes.  The guy invited him over to his house and the TA just thought he was being really friendly.  You can imagine how it went from there.

  3. yes because english is full of idomatic expressions.  

    "bend over backwards

    the bee's knees

    the tables are turned.  

  4. Yes, teenage learners especially (though not exclusively) are motivated by learning a bit of real slang. They can relate it to films they have seen

    Words like 'quid' are useful, words like 'barf' can be taught for amusement value.

    I would say avoid less commonly used slang words as these are too abstract for a learner of English, unless they are Advanced / proficiency level and above. Just imagine if you were facing the challenge of taking on new vocab. in a foreign language and you had to learn e.g. the French for 'caning it' in addition to 'speeding'.

    try out for some slang terms,

    hope that helps

    Ali T  

  5. For learners of English, it's probably useful.  Idioms and other figures of speech that make no sense literally are a challenge to learners of English.  It's no different with slang.  Slang itself is a dicey issue, though, because we want to teach students to avoid slang in their writing and speech.  Still, you have to recognize it before you can know when and when not to use it.  That's a good thing to keep in mind while teaching it.  Giving them scenarios where it is appropriate and not appropriate to use certain expressions might be a good idea.

  6. Yes. It's important if they're ever going to go to an English speaking country to know the slang, and if not, it's good trivia.  

  7. Who are your learners first?Teaching of slangs depends on whether you teach the language as L1 or L2 or FL.For FL and L2 learners ,slangs are not necessary.      

  8. Yes because as with all languages English is always changing. For example "Pimp My Ride" gave the word PIMP a new meaning. It now means to upgrade something.

    Also Bling never meant anything this time 6 years ago. As of 2003 it's in the dictionary. These phrases are becoming more and more popular.

    Logos regularly use U to replace You and other shortened term. They're becoming more and more recognised.

    I'm 18 and even I find it hard to keep up with them sometimes. It's ever changing so I deffinately think learners should study them becasue some slang words you cannot get away without knowing nowadays. They're eveywhere!

  9. As a fourth grade teacher that works with mostly English Language Learners, I would focus mostly on grammatically correct English (actually practicing and reading) and teach slang words and phrases more casually (don't practice but create an awareness).  It's a tough call, and I'm not sure there is a correct answer!

  10. Yes, because people want to integrate into the culture as much as possible and sound natural.

  11. It is not a good idea to teach young learners about the usage of English slang. It is a slightly childish and casual way of talking without proper pronunciation and clarity. Learners should be taught first the right way and manner of speaking. Otherwise it will look like abuse. Always we should try to communicate clearly and properly. I feel colloquial usage of languages should not be used even by mature people in order to give respect to the language. When you talk in slang, it looks as if we are taking it casually and under valuing its importance.

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