
Do you think it's appropriate to embed adoption language into school s*x ed policies?

by Guest10923  |  earlier

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my colleague and i are in the process of reviewing the school s*x education policies for all 50 states and were amazed at how many actually embed adoption language into their statures. (e.g. "[teaching] the benefits of adoption as a positive choice in the event of an unwanted pregnancy"- virginia).

yet, parenting is rarely mentioned except in terms of child support; and abortion is not mentioned or strictly prohibited.

my question: if schools are not going to offer information on ALL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CHOICES in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, do you think it's appropriate to only embed adoption into school s*x education policies?

let the games begin...




  1. That just makes me sick. My daughter, "Lauren" is being taught in the state of VA....

    First of all, children are not idiots, they can handle facts and the truth. Abortion is legal. To teach it any other way and to bring the "church" into it is ILLEGAL. So, we don't teach them the laws? We don't teach them what is legally available? That's lying.

    Children need to be taught parenting skills, LIFE skills.

    They need to be taught safe s*x. Then they need to be taught about how to raise a child because most of us will be doing it and the ones who don't have children will have relatives and friends who do.

    If they are going to teach adoption they are basically giving the green light to having s*x. What a contradiction. They are brainwashing our children. School should teach both sides of an issue. That's what an education is. Brainwashing is embedding only one alternative to a situation.


    You're right, we've "demonized" pregnancy. It happens. Women have been getting pregnant for many centuries, why is it considered a frigging crime or ruining someone's life? That's what we have to stop saying. It didn't ruin my life. My son is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He made me grow up. I wish I had done this at an earlier age.

  2. I agree with you and parents who think their kids aren't having s*x are just being dumb. Any one who thinks that education makes kids think s*x is ok is delusional. All choices should be taught, starting with abstinence. The kids should see things up close and personal, like pics of big pregnant bellys, testimony from birthmoms and single moms who have been cast aside by their boyfriends.

    Sorry I think I'm ranting.

  3. Yep, it's decided.  I'm home schooling.

  4. No, I don't.  (But everyone knew that's how I'd answer, right?)

    Whether or not someone believes adoption is good, we ought not be trying to increase its incidence.  Better to be reducing the number of at-risk (for relinquishment) pregnancies, rather than trying to encourage the view that adoption is wonderful and ought to happen more often.

  5. Sounds like an abstinence only program.

    <<the benefits of adoption as a positive choice in the event of an unwanted pregnancy>>

    Putting that information out there as though it is totally benign is reprehensible.

  6. I think if they are going to mention adoption, they should/need to mention abortion and/or parenting.

    Of course, all the choices are hard ones for a teenager (or anyone really) to make in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, but knowing that any decision in this case will bring heartbreak, could make teenagers be more careful with birth control.

    Of course, this is the same s*x-ed curriculum that can't really mention birth control without parents getting up in arms, but...

    yeah it is way better to be as mentally prepared as possible in situations like this, and abortion/adoption/parenting need to be discussed in length.  And hopefully they won't make abortion out to be the most awful thing in the world, because, in some cases it is the absolute right decision, and no one should be made to feel guilty about that.

    Though, of course, s*x education should be something parents are teaching their kids too, with their own values and beliefs, so that the kid knows where his/her parents stand on the issues, but parents also need to realize that their children may come up with different ideas, different values than they have, and they should be okay with that.

    Again, of course, most parents only want their children to be as individual as the parent is.  I don't get the idea of having mini-mes running around, I would want my children to have their own opinions and think/make decisions on their own, not without my input, but despite of my input.  What could be right for me, may not be right for my children.

    Okay, that was rambling, but a lot of parents and school systems annoy me.  I don't get why teaching FACTS is such a hard thing.

  7. Some states teach even less, like Mississippi, they are only allowed to teach "Don't have s*x" and all their materials are aimed to scared people from s*x..............

    Stupid isn't it?

  8. I think it is great!

    Perhaps some of our adopted children might grow up with fewer hang-ups having this information presented as just another part of life....  and choices people make....

  9. I think teenagers should be taught to keep their babies and take responsibility for something for once. If you are going to have s*x there are going to be consequences and you have to deal with them. Its way too easy for teenagers to get out of tough situations that they should have to learn to deal with.

    They should be taught birth control and absenance and the consequences of s*x is babies and that's it.

  10. I think EVERY option should be expressed.  Why keep stuff out?

  11. I have always thaught that this is a really good idea. Why not?

    If kids can be taught about homosexuality, home studies, s*x ed, then why not adoption? Adoption is no more contraversial than homosexuality or s*x ed.

    I dont see why we have to protect children from hearing some facts of life.

  12. I'll assume they already teach about methods of avoiding an unplanned pregnancy.  Of course, they happen anyway.  I do not believe that adoption should be touted above other options.  

    When I was in high school (back in the stone age,) we were not taught about adoption.  

    We were taught about birth control, of course.  We were also taught about parenting.  We actually saw films and read books about parenting.  

    Because my grammar school and high school were both run by Catholic nuns, even though we were taught about abortion, the laws surrounding it, and the procedure itself, we were also taught that it wasn't considered a choice that was approved by the church.

    I do believe that people need to be given knowledge on all of the choices available in terms of reproduction and in terms of parenting vs. relinquishment.  There is a lot to know regarding parenting.  Students need to be made aware of the help available to them in parenting.  If adoption is taught as the main choice, then students may likely not even see their other options.  They may see adoption as the normal thing to do.

  13. Any other day I would say no but what I heard on the news the other day made me cry A14 year old girl has baby in school bathroom and then kills the baby, If she had known about adoption do you think this child might be a live. Yes for sure give these children a way out beside killing the child what can it hurt.  Maybe there wouldn't be so many adoptions that are from over seas.  And then maybe some of these fathers will start stepping up to the plate and helping. Then the ones that do won't have their child stole through adoption.

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