
Do you think it's bad to do this?

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I have 2 children daughter 2 and son 1 month.When my son is 5 months i'm going back to work 2 day my daughter is already at nursery and my son will be going.My question is i was thinking of putting them in nursery fo 1 more day so three in total so on that day i could clean, iron,cook the meals for the week etc and finish the cleaner that comes.Is it bad to put them in nursery for an extra day to do all the house work myself instead of the cleaner?




  1. nursery school is NOT "great" its for people like you who bring kids into this world and want to get the h**l away from them

  2. My opinion is keep them at home as much as you can until preschool arrives. That's what we did. I feel it builds an attachment early on. You can still do chores with kids around... although it might take longer. I think many parents in your situation will be tempted to spend more time watching T.V. and laying around.

  3. You could always try to just keep them occupyed at home on this third day, it would save money (and gas). But it's really up to you, I don't think that leaving them there for one more day could hurt anything.

    Good luck with your decision, and congratulations on the birth of your son!

  4. I think that it is OK - getting HW done with little kids around is a nightmare and I can see why you would not want to pay a cleaner to do it. I think that 3 days is fine - I can't say I 'approve' of 5 or more days, but 3 is very different.

  5. im a stay at home mom and i wouldnt have it any other way so i might be a little baised.  but i would never  put my child in daycare/nursery to do housework or nap or whatever the case may be, i would never put my kids in there unless i HAD to get out to go to work to support them. and if i had someone hired to clean my home i wouldnt HAVE to re-clean it or she would be fired. a cleaner AND day care? i guess its your decision but i would rather be with my kids during the day and be raising them myself ALL the time.

  6. If you after opinions then mine is why bother having kids if somone else is going to bring them up for you.

  7. it's good for children to go to nursery it encourages their development in so many areas!

    don't feel guilty about doing it, would you rather them be there one more day or live in squalor?

    unless you have a family member that could maybe take care of them for a few hours?

  8. From a stay at home mom who struggled with depression myself I say go for it.

    I do not regret my staying home but would have loved one day off to myself. Try it out if for some reason it does not work out then you can always quit the extra day.

    And ignore  all the rude answers it does not matter what you ask on here, there is going to be at least one judgmental, self righteous person answer.

  9. it's your choice

  10. Yes it is - why on earth would you rather clean than spend time with your children.  Have the time with your children for childhood is very short.  And besides it has to be more expensive to have two children in nursery than to pay a cleaner.

  11. i read the other questions and some of them wernt nice at all.

    Ange do you have kids........

    i have two children similar ages of yours, i work five days a week the reason that with the cost of living going up i have to do it.  dont feel guilty.  I live in south africa and we dont get money from the government to stay at home with the kids so thats why we have to work.  when i am with my kids i spend all the time i can with them.  if they are at home you dont have time to clean as you want to do as they want attention.  do it dont feel guilty.

  12. I think if it makes you a better mother when you are with your kids, then go for it.  Quality of time outweighs quantity of time any day.  Don't let other people judge you.  You need a break from your kids.

  13. I guess there is no sense in having a cleaner if your just going to clean but you may want to keep the cleaner I question if will actually clean your staying home for 5 months and you have a maid and your still putting your kids in daycare I hope it's because of medical reason because that sounds extremely lazy to me.

  14. I see no problem with this i think it would a benefit to you all. the children get to interact with other adults/children and develop skills and you have time to yourself and get to do all the essential things that are difficult to do with two under 5's.

    I did the same with my son I put him in nursery an extra day so I could have the day to myself (technically it wasn't to myself cos i was washing, cleaning and doing coursework)

    This still leaves 2 days plus the weekend for you to all spend together.

    Good luck

  15. No, I don't think it's bad.  You're taking about one more day a week (?) - not a lifetime!  Lol  

    Seriously, I'm a SAHM and know lots of sahms and some of them even put their child into daycare so they can get some sleep - all of them are great moms (I've never done it, but my DD is only 6 months).  Everyone needs a little time to get things done and personally it's better they're in a controlled environment than watching tv 24/7 (not that you would do that).  They'll be stimulated and it will give you time to get housework and appointments done if necessary.

    People put way too much stress on moms.

  16. personally I think you should have them at home-its an important part of a childs life to be integral to the household and everything that goes on there-not as an add on when all the jobs are done

  17. I think it sounds an excellent plan. A day 'to yourself' - even if you do spend it doing such exciting things as washing and cleaning - will help you to stay on top of things, and help you to remember that you are a person in your own right, not just a mother (amazingly important as that is).

    There are too many things to make parents feel guilty. You already know and trust the nursery - it's not bad at all - it's very sensible.

  18.'s not bad.  I did that and it makes life a LOT easier and less stressful.   You will still have 4 other full days with them..that's a lot more then most mothers get.  Many moms have to work full time.

  19. If you save more money by doing this then it's a good idea as your children will benefit in the long run.

  20. I think it's a real shame when people are so damning of things they clearly have no clue about!  Some of us can't afford not to work at least part time but still love our kids with everything we've got.

    Of course it's not wrong to have an extra day to clear up and keep yourself sane!  My little boy is 7 months and goes to nursery for two sessions a week already .  I have to go back to work (part of my contract) for at least 12 weeks after maternity leave and I didn't want to just dump him in nursery once I had to start back.  He is having a couple of months before I go back to get used to it and so that I am in a position to drop everything and gget up there if needs be.

    It doens't make me a bad mother and for those of you who are so judgemental you need to wind your necks in.  How sad that in this day and age we can't live and let live without condemning others for their individual needs!

    Nursery has been fabulous already for my little one, he is developing at an incredible rate and I'm sure that it is down to both the stimulation and quality time he receives when he's with me and the socialisation that nursery is providing.

    Don't upset yourself about it, you need to do whatever is best for you and what you feel happy doing.

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