
Do you think it's bad to drink most days?

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Say you had 2 glasses of wine with dinner, 5 days per week. Is this a problem, in your opinion?




  1. That depends.  Normally, I'd say no problem. As a test, if you went a week without having any wine with dinner and became irritable--then yes, it's a problem.

  2. as long as you are going to work, making something out of yourself, and its not controling your life, you are GOLDEN

    i will have a beer with dinner about 3-4 days a week. Not getting drunk, just relaxing

  3. Yeah, it's probably a "crutch" if it's every day. But not really a health issue.

  4. Some people need a drink at night just to unwind from a long stressful day. The way to know if it's bad or not is to try and go without having a drink. If it affects you to the point where you want to snap at everyone, or you can't go to sleep without it, maybe even get a headache, then it might be bad. I don't think it is bad myself because I have a drink in the evening. I take a shot or two of vodka, and I'm good to go !

  5. In Holand they say if you drink more then one glass every dai then you have a addiction. Better 2 glasses a week.

    But there are also people that say 1 glass off wine is very healthy.

  6. Large amounts of medical research point to an inverse 'J' relationship between daily consumption of alcohol and general health.

    Those who do not drink at all are slightly worse off than those who have up to 4 standard drinks PER DAY, and passing that there is a steep drop off in benefit, and eventually going to worse than if you didn't drink at all.

    To keep things safe, and interesting, I would recommend actually increasing your intake slightly, perhaps adding another glass a day (if you are a woman) or one to two more a day (if you are a man). Also, drinking on Sunday is permitted depending on your tolerance and probably religious habits. If you get some communion wine and want more, feel free. Sudays are well known as 'medical free days' where whatever you do only makes you stronger, except limb loss, poisoning and death. Those make you magical (or stiff, I can't remember which).

    So… to sum it all up. Don't be a teetotaler, enjoy your life a bit. There really is a positive correlation between health and small regular consumption of alcohol. Don't overdo it, and you will be fine. For a woman, 2 a day is just fine. For a man, 3-4 is acceptable.

  7. Yes. I am not sure about wine but I have heard than you should not have more than 2 bears a week. Though a glass of wine after dinner helps lower diabetes a research conducted.

  8. No way wine is good 4 u aint it ?

  9. It is not a problem if you don't need it. If you make dinner and automatically pour yourself a glass of wine you might want to think about slowing down. but there have been studies that state that a glass of red wine a day helps with health related prob. I personally have a glass everyday either with friends or with my family and diff. types of wine. I feel fine and it doesn't cause me to loose points on my GPA so like my wine proffesor tells us "everything in moderation, unless its love"

  10. No I don't thnk it's a problem at all. Better 2 glasses of wine than 2 bottles of liquor - wouldn't ya say!!!

    OH PS - a glass of wine is healthy for ya. So what if it's 2.

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